Season 9 Comment Fanwork Meme

Oct 10, 2013 10:03

Welcome to the SPN S9 Comment Fanwork Meme!
Prompt and fill with fanworks (fic! art! vids!  picspams! etc!) related to season 9 of SPN.


1. Prompts and fills must be SPN Season 9 relevant. "Sam and Dean from 1990 are transported to Season 9" is OK, "Sam and Dean from 1990 go on a hunt in 1990" is not. All characters, pairings, ratings welcome.

2. Not Allowed: please no bashing, no extreme underage (<14), and no depictions of real/current minors.

3. Please use the subject line for pairing and any kinks when prompting, prompt as many times as you want, one prompt per comment. When filling please put Filled in the subject line along with a title for your fill.

4. Prompts can be filled multiple times and should you feel inspired to art please do! (though if it is NSFW please post/link to your own journal rather than posting directly).

If you wish to promote then please feel free to use the code below:">" alt="ithinkimgonna4" title="ithinkimgonna4" />

1. When Sam find out what Dean did he says: "Good call man. Thanks. I wasn't in a fit state to make a life and death decision". by claudiapriscus [gen, Sam & Dean, G]
2. A guest amid ruins by counteragent [gen, Sam & Dean, Ezekiel, G] For the prompt: Ezekiel gets to work fixing Sam and discovers just how much is wrong with him.
        **ETA: NOW WITH ART FILL by scarletscarlet [demon!child!Sam] **
3. Angel Wars by thursdaysisters [Samzekiel/Dean, PG]
4. Firebird by thursdaysisters [Dean/Abaddon, M for gore] Prompt: Abaddon/Dean, general badness, Sam watching
5. diamond and a tether by indiachick [Sam & Dean & Ezekiel, PG] Prompt: [Dean] knows for certain that what's in the passenger seat isn't just Sam, and Dean has no-one to blame but himself. And no-one to tell.
6. Call of Duty by thursdaysisters [Samzekiel/Castiel, PG] Prompt: Ezekiel has always carried a bit of a torch for Castiel, and now is the perfect opportunity to act on it without consequences.
7. Not for a year by counteragent [Sam?zekiel/Dean, M for sex] Prompt: manipulation/mistaken identity
8. Ezekiel/Dean, manipulation/mistaken identity by thursdaysisters [Ezekiel/Dean, M for sex] Part One Part Two
9. Two for the Price of One by balder12 [Sam/Kevin, NC-17] Prompt: Kevin can see that something's different about Sam (maybe he can see the energy?), but no one's telling him anything, as usual.
10. Shadow by milly_gal [Sam/Dean, PG] Prompt: Dean can't tell Sam why he doesn't want to have sex.
11. A tiger by its tail by counteragent [Sam/Dean, M for sex and dub-con elements] Prompt: manipulation/mistaken identity

spn, comment meme

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