You've got questions? I might have answers.

Mar 03, 2008 11:26

If you have questions that aren't addressed here, leave them in a comment to this post, and they will be answered as soon as possible. All of the information here in the FAQ is subject to change, although it will generally be discussed in a Gazette entry first.

General Game Information
Can anyone join?
How does the game work?
How do you play?
How do I get started?

Cougar Ridge Information
Where is Cougar Ridge?
What's the weather like in Cougar Ridge?

Character Information
What kind of character can I play?
Is there a limit to the number of characters I can play?
Can I use different icons for my character, like I do in my regular LiveJournal?
Why can't I use a celebrity for my icon?

Posting Information
Are there limits to how often and how much I can post?
What HTML can I use?
Can I post in my character's journal?
What if I make a mistake in my post?
What sort of restrictions are there to what I post IG?
So what is the No Direct Consequences rule?
I have a great idea for a game-wide plot. What do I do?

Character/Player Activity
Can my character talk with other characters outside of the game?
What happens to my character if I leave the game?
I want to remove a character from the game for a while. What do I do if I want to bring it back?
Can I have journals on my character's friends list that don't belong to characters in Cougar Ridge? Can my character join regular LiveJournal communities?
Can my Cougar Ridge character join another RPG?
My character is going away on a honeymoon/to have major surgery/on an extended fishing trip but I would like to keep him active in the game. Can my character post while he's away?

What are all these abbreviations you keep using?
What if someone is harassing me, or I think they've posted something about my character they shouldn't have?
What does the GM do?
How do I contact the GM?
What do I do if I think the GM is not doing a good job?

General Game Information
Can anyone join?
Cougar Ridge has mature themes, and is not intended for people under the age of eighteen. Some of the entries may involve graphic depictions of violence and/or sex. Anyone who is offended by such material should not join the game.
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How does the game work?
Every week, the GM will post a game entry on the community. Every active character can post comments to the entry (see A7 for current post limits), responding to the game entry, continuing a plotline already established, or starting one of their own (or any combination of the three). Here are some weekly game entries to read that will give you an idea of how the game is run, and the tone that we try to achieve: Week 2, Week 6, Week 19, and Week 42.

There will also be weekly Gazette entries on Sundays. These will sum up administrative information on the game, like which characters joined or left that week, give warnings for which characters haven't been active, make suggestions for possible changes to the game, and sometimes point players to other things the GM thinks might be of interest. These are also open areas for character/player discussion. Questions, complaints, and suggestions are all welcome on the Gazette.
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How do you play?
This is a free-form game, and the answer to that question is very much up to you. Basically, you come up with a storyline you want to pursue, or find one in the game you think you'd like to join, write something up, and post it as a comment in the current entry. The most important things to remember are the No Direct Consequences rule, posting limits, and to write in first person. Interact with other characters (or not, as you see fit, but they have the same options when it comes to interacting with you), tell some of your character's history, wander around town . . . what you do is mostly up to you.

Remember that your character can be affected by what other characters do. If another character posts that they saw your character walking out of the pharmacy, that's what happened (unless this contradicts something already posted, in which case, tell the GM). You should read all posts in the current entry, or you may miss something pertaining to your character.
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How do I get started?
First off, read the FAQ. Then read the overview, which gives a basic idea of the game, and tells you how to set up an account for it. It also gives some suggestions for character creation. Next, you should familiarize yourself with what's been happening in the game recently. Best way to do this is read the last couple of entries. You should also read the most recent Gazette entries, as they may have OOC information about the game that hasn't made it into the FAQ or rules yet. Then you create your LiveJournal account, post an introduction, and join the community. Then you're ready to start posting in the current entry.
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Cougar Ridge Information
Where is Cougar Ridge?
Cougar Ridge is a fictional small town in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It is located in Mystique County (also fictional), about twenty to thirty minutes drive away from the county seat, Mystique. It's about one to two hours drive from Denver (south-south-east, maybe), and a little further than that from Boulder.

Please do not attempt to fix the geographical location any more precisely than this!

The Cheshire River and Cougar Ridge National Park are just west of town (and only exist in the game).
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What's the weather like in Cougar Ridge?
The weather in Cougar Ridge is based on the weather in Black Hawk, Colorado. It is not necessarily always the same, but extreme deviations should be cleared with the GM first.
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Character Information
What kind of character can I play?
What would you like to be? A police officer? A doctor? A high school student? You could be a movie star, an author, or an internationally acclaimed chef, too. Maybe a bag lady, drug addict, or survivalist is more your style. A serial killer, con man, or bank robber would be a welcome (well, by the players and GM, if not by the denizens of the town), also.

If you aren't sure what kind of character to play, there is a list of desired character types and adoptable NPCs here. If you pick up an NPC rather than creating a unique character, you should find out what has been said about the person in the past. That way, you'll know what sort of character it is. Some NPCs have histories already established, and if you change them, you will affect other current PCs.

A note on characters who do investigative work (police, private detectives, investigative reporters, &c.): any investigations involving player characters may be hampered by the No Direct Consequences rule. This doesn't mean it's impossible to investigate another PC, but it does require some cooperation.
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Is there a limit to the number of characters I can play?
The official game recommendation is to limit yourself to three. Rather than jump in with three, it's a good idea to start off with one so you can see how much time and effort it takes, before deciding to add more. Please do not take on more than you can handle!

One reason for restricting the number of characters each player can have is game balance. When one person has many characters, they can overwhelm the game and drown out other PCs and their stories. Keep this in mind when creating new characters! Also, if you only want one, don't feel you have to create a second. There have been plenty of players with only one character in the game, and they seem to have as good a time as players with more.

If you have three characters, and you really think another would be good for the game, and that you can handle another, go for it. Please do make sure you really can handle more than three first, though!
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Can I use different icons for my character, like I do in my regular LiveJournal?
Your icon is you. It is how people identify who your character is. Using multiple icons can be confusing in a game setting such as this, and is largely unnecessary, as your posts should show your character's mood. This is a text-based game, after all. There is no rule against using them, but it is discouraged and you should only do it if it really helps the game.
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Why can't I use a celebrity for my icon?
This was discussed in a Gazette entry in late 2008. The consensus was that celebrity icons would be distracting. Because Cougar Ridge is an original character game, and is modeled after the real world, a lot of real-life celebrities are known in Cougar Ridge. A character who looked like Angelina Jolie would look just like Angelina Jolie. It would affect how other characters react, and build expectations of your character that an unknown face would not.
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Posting Information
Are there limits to how often and how much I can post?
As of Entry 152 (5/21 - 27/12), the post and word count limits are being lifted on a trial basis. Characters may post any length, and as many times as they like, within reason. Posts that seem against the spirit of the game (e.g. a series of single sentence posts, or posts that consistently max out at 4,300 characters per post) will be deleted at the GM's discretion. Egregious violations of this may result in the character being removed from the game. Yes. As of Entry 103, Third Edition, each character has a maximum of five posts per entry. Any extra posts will be deleted. Also, each post has a maximum of 600 words (this is also changed as of Entry 103, Third Edition). Longer posts will be deleted, and you'll be asked to cut out the excess and repost. The word count includes OOC information, at the GM's discretion. You may use all of those posts on a single day, if you really want to, as long as that does not unreasonably prevent other characters from acting.

Conversely, any character who doesn't post at least once every three game weeks will be removed from the game at the GM's discretion. Game weeks are counted from Monday through Sunday. For example, if you post on Wednesday of game week 9, you must post again by the Sunday of game week 12. This is to keep the game moving smoothly. If you know you will be unable to post for an extended period of time, please let the GM know (see this FAQ).
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What HTML can I use?
Keeping in mind that this is a text-based game, excessive HTML styling can detract from it. Simple things like italic, bold, underline, blockquote, center, hard return (), and font tags (color, size, face, &c.) are okay. Scrolling marquees and blink give the GM headaches and are strongly discouraged. JPEG and GIF images can be used as long as they are relevant and reasonably sized, and should only be used sparingly. Videos should not be posted in the entries. If there is something you think will really help with your post, use a link to it, or post it in the Gazette.
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Can I post in my character's journal?
All game play takes place in the entries. Using your character's journal to help you keep track of information from the game is perfectly acceptable. You can even use it to help flesh out your character for yourself. However, other players are not required to keep up with your character's journal, so any information you want known must be included in your posts to the entries. For example, if you say on your character's journal that you're a card sharp, but in the current entry another character says you've lost at poker every Tuesday for the last five years, the information that was posted in game becomes canon.
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What if I make a mistake in my post?
First, there is a preview option so that you can read what you've written - complete with formatting - before you post it. Use it! This should cut down on errors. Second, do not automatically delete and repost! Everyone makes minor mistakes, including bad html, and in general, it's best to leave them in your post. The best reasons to delete and repost is because you accidentally posted with the wrong persona, or in the wrong place (like in the Gazette instead of the Game Entry). The next best reason is because you and another person posted at about the same time, and you contradict each other (see below). Third in line would be because of a GM request. Otherwise, leave it, or consult the GM.

As for contradictions in character posts, there are major contradictions - Joe Schmoe posts that he's spent the whole day cleaning out his attic, but Betty Smith posts that Joe was involved in a five-car pileup out on Highway 23 - and minor contradictions - Joe says Betty had Moo-Shu Pork at Jade Garden, but Betty has been very vocal in the past about not eating pork. If it's a minor contradiction, you don't need to delete and repost. Obviously, Joe was just wrong, and Betty had Moo-Shu Chicken, or something else. If it's a major contradiction, and the characters involved can't decide who has the right of it, consult the GM.

Sometimes LiveJournal experiences some technical difficulties, and you may wind up posting something more than once. Deleting the extras is also something you can do without consulting the GM.

As of 5/11/08, any posts which are deleted without following the guidelines set down here will count towards your post limit for the week.
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What sort of restrictions are there to what I post IG?
Attacks on another player (as opposed to character) or the GM and OOC information are inappropriate for posting IG. Such posts will likely be deleted, and depending on the profundity of the offense, the player may be banned. In the past, real world politics were also kept out of the game, but for now, they'll be allowed.
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So what is the No Direct Consequences rule?
Characters can freely interact with any of the other townsfolk, with only one provision - you cannot impose direct consequences on another player's character. Your character can do whatever you want them to do in your posts, such as talking to other characters, and even doing something to them, and you can have these other characters talking back to you or doing something in turn. What you cannot do is change that other character's status quo, by killing them, or figuring out that they are a cross-dresser, or a secret agent, or something else equally important to their story without good reason. It's a question of common sense.

If a male character has said in game - including in internal monologue - that he dresses in women's clothing and you figure out a reasonable way for your character to have discovered this quirk (Bob lives alone, you're visiting, something happens to him and while searching for bandages or whatnot you find a pair of size 13 sequined, high-heeled pumps), that's fair. If this character has never said anything in game to that effect, and you post that you have pictures of him doing a burlesque striptease, complete with pasties, your post will be deleted.

The spreading of rumors, and just plain conjecture, are another matter entirely, as long as you make it clear that is what you are doing ("I don't know what it is, but there's something weird about Bob. He's always commenting on how nice my clothes are. I wonder if he's a cross-dresser.") It's the responsibility of other players to respond to whatever scenario is presented to them and their characters. It's often a lot of fun to pick up the threads other players leave and run with them, but sometimes a player will want to steer their character clear of a potential storyline rather than embrace it and they should always have the courtesy of that option.

For another example, you could write that Susie (your character) and Mary (someone else's character) are walking in the park, and they meet Mike (again, someone else's character). You can say that Mary and Mike are both uncomfortable with the meeting, but that Susie doesn't know why. That's fine. What you can't do is state an exact reason why they're uncomfortable. That's up to Mary and Mike's individual players (for whom the first they know about all this is when they read your post). A big part of a game like this is that players can place other players' characters in all manner of difficult, dangerous and compromising situations, whilst hinting at mysteries and secrets, but they can't detail what comes next for any character that doesn't belong to them.

Do keep in mind that if you figure out all of another character's quirks - or solve all of his problems - right off the bat, that doesn't leave much for either of you to do, and rather spoils the game.
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I have a great idea for a game-wide plot. What do I do?
Cool! All game-wide plots need to be approved by the GM before being put into play. These would include, but are not limited to, serial killers, natural disasters, government plots, and the circus coming to town. If you aren't sure, just ask. The reasoning for this is to keep the game from getting bogged down by too many major things happening at once, and also to make sure that the person introducing the plot has a plan for it. Things often don't go as planned in Cougar Ridge, but it's nice to know there's one there anyway. If you don't have a plan, just an idea, that's okay, too. Suggest it to the GM, and maybe your idea will get fleshed out and used!
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Character/Player Activity
Can my character talk with other characters outside of the game?
Characters/players can chat with each other through the private messaging system. Behind-the-scenes plotting - planning out a course of events to make sure they happen as you want - is not allowed.
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What happens to my character if I leave the game?
Once you leave the game, you have no say in it, including how characters you leave behind are used, or how characters who left the town are portrayed, or how storylines you started are played out. You may elect to give your password to the GM, or to another player, to have your character continue in the game, but that person then controls the character, and you still have no say. Characters who leave the game will not be used as player characters by anyone else, without the approval of the prior player.
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I want to remove a character from the game for a while. What do I do if I want to bring it back?
If you're leaving the game, be courteous to other players, and write yourself out of any plotlines in which you are involved. If this isn't possible, you can give the GM your character's password, and the GM can play your character, bringing any storylines to their conclusions. The GM might also decide to leave your character in the game as an NPC. Once you leave the game, you have no control over your character.

If you know that you'll be bringing the character back, tell the GM ahead of time. You should still wrap up any storylines, or give the GM your password, so that other players are not left hanging in your absence. Tell the GM when you plan to have the character leave, and when you will return. If for some reason you're gone longer than expected, let the GM know. If you are gone too long without any contact with the GM, you'll be dropped from the game.

If you remove a character from the game and don't tell the GM you want them to come back, that character won't be allowed to return. Keep this in mind when removing characters.

Before removing a character, even if only for a leave of absence, make sure that any plotlines the character is involved in will not be left hanging in that character's absence.
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Can I have journals on my character's friends list that don't belong to characters in Cougar Ridge? Can my character join regular LiveJournal communities?
Cougar Ridge, Colorado does not exist in the real world. Neither do your characters. Having your character join real communities and befriend real people threatens the ambiance of the game, and is not allowed. If you don't have a personal LiveJournal, it's just as easy to set one up for yourself as it was for your character, and then you can make friends and join communities to your heart's content.
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Can my Cougar Ridge character join another RPG?
As long as your character is active in Cougar Ridge, it may not join another RPG. There are no RPGs currently affiliated with Cougar Ridge, so having your character be active in two games would again threaten the ambiance of this one. If your character does join another game while still active in Cougar Ridge, it will be banned. If your character leaves Cougar Ridge, you may do with it as you see fit. This will not affect anything that happens in Cougar Ridge, including how your character is depicted after leaving.

Conversely, if you want to bring a character to Cougar Ridge from another game, as long as the character is no longer active there, you may. Any backstory you have established from the other game will have to be worked into your posts here, if you want it to be known.
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My character is going away on a honeymoon/to have major surgery/on an extended fishing trip but I would like to keep him active in the game. Can my character post while he's away?
Cougar Ridge is an interactive game, and it's a little on the difficult side for characters to interact with someone who is miles away. Characters who are out of town for extended periods of time may post once a week, preferably in the form of a telephone call or letter to someone back in Cougar Ridge. If there are special circumstances, and you think it would be important for your character to be more in touch than that, you may discuss it with the GM.
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What are all these abbreviations you keep using?
This is not a comprehensive list, but some of the most common (as far as this game is concerned) are:

FAQ: frequently asked questions
LJ: LiveJournal
GM: game master
IC: in character
OOC: out of character
PC: player character
NPC: non-player character
IG: in game
IRL: in real life
NDC: no direct consequences
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What if someone is harassing me, or I think they've posted something about my character they shouldn't have?
Let the GM know. Do not try to handle the matter yourself. The GM will do what is necessary to bring about a resolution. Be as specific as you can be, giving links or quoting examples, rather than just saying, "This character treats me unfairly." If you don't think it's serious enough to involve the GM and you just need to blow off steam, there's a community specifically for complaining about bad role-players, called bad_rpers_suck. The GM belongs to that community, but currently doesn't read it regularly.
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What does the GM do?
The GM does administrative work - such as arbitration between players, watching post and word counts, and interpreting the rules when necessary - and also keeps the game moving by suggesting plots in the weekly entries, and sometimes in posts to the entry. The GM may also have characters, both as GM plot devices, and as honest-to-goodness PCs.
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How do I contact the GM?
The GM has a GMail account at (add, and you have an e-mail address). You may also use the LiveJournal private message system, or leave comments on the Gazette entries.
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What do I do if I think the GM is not doing a good job?
If you see something that you think is inappropriate behavior on the GM's part, post a complaint on the current Gazette entry. (If it's just a one-time, "Wow, the GM really pissed me off today" kind of thing, you can take it to bad_mods_suck. The GM doesn't belong to that community, or read it.) Posting on the Gazette will allow other players to voice concerns, also, and will keep everything in the open.

Keep in mind that if this were a tabletop game, you would probably be at the GM's house. Use the same rules of comportment you would when being invited into another person's home. If you are accusatory and argumentative, you will receive a less than positive response, and may be thrown out. If you are insulting, banning is likely. This holds true for your treatment of other players, also.

Remember that if at any time you are unsatisfied with the game, you are free to leave. This is supposed to be entertainment. You haven't paid anything to join, and if you aren't enjoying yourself, you will lose very little when you leave.
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Updated 10/13/12.

faq, admin

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