Cordykitten's fic recs: Authors with a "F"

Dec 31, 2030 23:00

You'll find the author's site mostly in their LJ or in the information at the site the story is on. There are some buttons in my LJ with Spuffy sites. Stories are often on more then one site. I'm mostly copying the summaries or I never get this finished. This is a WIP. More stories to be added when I find them (again).☆ ♥

facingthesun facingthesun
She has a lot of stories, I'll mention only the bigger ones here. Check out the one-shots too!
Dirty Work by facingthesun
Kidnapping, bounty hunters and sex. Janitor, William Giles kidnaps the rich Buffy Summers for ransom money.

If You Were to Wake Up… by facingthesun WIP
Buffy Summers is an undercover cop with a loving boyfriend and a stubborn attraction to her partner, William Giles. After a near-fatal shooting, Buffy wakes up six years into the future where she is happily married and the mother of three children. Does Buffy have amnesia or is she suffering from something a little more magically charged? Will she ever remember her lost six years? And most importantly, will she learn to love the family that she’s been thrust into? Spike/Buffy AU Human-style

Little by Little by facingthesun
William Giles is suffering from the heartache of losing his fiancée, Joyce, when he is forced to become the legal guardian of Joyce’s daughter, Buffy Summers.

Pursuits of Happiness by facingthesun
After being called on by the Council, Buffy is off to Brazil to help a Watcher learn about the ‘dreaded’ William the Bloody. An AU fluffy romance started for a William ficathon.

Sequel: Founding Father by facingthesun
In the future, years after the ending of Pursuits of Happiness, Buffy and Spike are happily married, however they both feel as if something is missing in their lives together. Taking a risk, desperate to become parents, the couple goes back in time to be reunited with an old friend. Post Season 7

Rebel Prince by facingthesun WIP
Something Blue, a retelling of the episode and a new look on what happens afterwards, AU Buffy-verse

Steps by facingthesun WIP
William and Buffy are stepsiblings (run now if that grosses you out). They have a love/hate relationship-heavy on the hate-until they have an ‘encounter’ in the bathroom. The couple will face some issues, including but not limited to William’s tendency to peep on his crush, their next-door neighbor, Drusilla.

There's a Place by facingthesun WIP
Buffy Summers moves * to a magical town after she has an encounter with a man named Spike. *after she met him

This Girl, That Boy by facingthesun WIP
The past and present of Buffy and William, they were friends before…maybe they were more, but now? Not so much. A break-up, make-up story with tons of flashbacks. AU, all human-verse.

ForeversEnough foreversenough

Cocktail by ForeversEnough
Co-written with spikezbaybeegurl. A/U: Spike's a bartender who has pretty much given up on love. Buffy's out looking for Mr. Right. She thinks it's Angel but what happens when her eye catches his cousin, Spike? WIP


Only In Dreams by Flibble
When circumstance sees Buffy going on a date with her favourite TV star, William 'Spike' Rafe, she's sure she'll make a fool of herself. Drooling over him from a distance is easy, but being in the same room with him? That's something that she thought would happen only in her dreams. WIP

Even In The Real World by Flibble
What if the events of ‘Normal Again’ did happen and Sunnydale, and everyone in it, was just a figment of Buffy’s unstable imagination. What will happen when she comes back to the ‘real world’?

Beer and a Bad Idea by Flibble
Seventeen-year-old Buffy is hoping to catch herself a Spike with a dark night and the judicious application of beer. Cross your fingers. This girl needs all the help she can get!

Haven't read The More Things Change yet.

Forever Me

or @ SAThat's the thing about magic. There's always consequences. Set a year after the finale, Dawn is convinced that she knows what the consequences of Willows spell are and it doesn't look good. *

Yet to check out: Never Be the Same Again
Buffy is at university in England and is dating her long term boyfriend, Riley Finn. Her life seems perfect, but things never stay that way, do they? Especially when her new friend Spike gives her something to compare Riley to...

fauvistfly fauvistfly

Shooting Sparks by fauvistfly
An AU fic where Buffy photographs Spike before actually meeting him-- starts with some voyeurism and then eventually develops into a romance

Wild, Wicked Wishes by fauvistfly
A birthday gift for Buffy turns out to be a genie, focused on granting three sexually healing wishes.

Crushing Friendship by fauvistfly
Buffy and Spike are in the same group of friends, but Buffy has secretly had a crush on him ever since freshman year. Now that they're seniors, Buffy's wondering maybe she should try a little harder.

I have to mention fiona_finlay twice. Her English stories are here (see below too for the German ones).

fer1213 fer1213

(When in Rome)

Not read yet: Spuffy fic, Spike/Faith for the moment: What You Wish For
Inspired by a challenge at Kantayra's site. Buffy unknowingly makes a wish...

Blood and Life
NC-17. A visitor from Spike's past comes to Sunnydale. But it's not a friendly visit.

Third Chances
Two years after the battle at the end of "Not Fade Away", Buffy's still in Rome. An unexpected visitor shows up bringing even more unexpected news.

When We Fight by Fer1213
Starting in the summer between seasons 4 and 5, Riley's away and some interesting sparks are flying between Buffy and Spike. But when Riley returns, Buffy's problems are only beginning.

Spellbound by Forgotten
Sometime after Not Fade Away. Life goes on. Renewed and refocused heroes dedicate their lives to new cause and bury pipe dreams. What happens when the past comes back to haunt them? (A/N: There is Buffy with other only in flashback..very much a Spuffy Story!!


The Stolen Slayer by Fran
He was done with being nice. When Spike Giles meets two people he never thought he'd meet will he be able to save them? Or willl he need to be saved more than anyone?

FearTheSpork (Cloe)

Oliver by FearTheSpork
(A/N: I'm aware that the Spike/Kitten angle has been done to death, but after watching Oliver and Company today, I had to do my own.) Spike stumbles upon a Master in a league of his own. There shall be cuteness people.

To edit: Because Spuffyfantasy is gone *sigh*
Forever Me (Forever Me)
I have to reread Never Be The Same Again and Consequences
To edit - another link for BS diaries

fiona_finlay's German Stories (just to name a few, more at her site!):

Ain't no Sunshine by Fiona_Finlay
Nach dem Ende von "As you were", nachdem Buffy ihn verlassen hat, bleibt Spike fassungslos und verzweifelt in seiner völlig zerstörten Gruft zurück. Als er einen alten Soulsong abspielt, der wie für ihn gemacht zu sein scheint, reift in ihm ein Entschluss...

Betrayal by Fiona_Finlay
Spike saß fälschlicherweise wegen Mordes an seinem Vater im Gefängnis, und nach seiner Entlassung arbeitet er als Privatdetktiv. Bei seinen Ermittlungen lernt er Buffy kennen, eine Reporterin, die vor den Häschern eines Satanistenzirkels flieht. Sie ist bei ihren Ermittlungen in den Besitz von Dateien gekommen, die Spikes Unschuld beweisen...

Between the Lines by Fiona_Finlay
Buffy fährt jeden Tag mit dem Zug zur Arbeit. Schon seit Wochen kann sie nur an den sexy Punk denken, der ebenfalls immer im selben Zug sitzt. Zu schüchtern um ihn anzusprechen, verbringt sie die Fahrten lieber damit, Geschichten über den jungen Mann zu schreiben, von dem sie durch Zufall erfährt, dass er Spike heißt. Eines Tages passiert ihr ein Missgeschick: sie lässt das Büchlein, in das sie die Stories schreibt, versehentlich liegen...

Lost in Emotions by Fiona_Finlay
Die junge abgearbeitete Designerin Buffy Summers macht im Nordwesten Kanadas Urlaub und lernt dort den Cowboy Will Turner kennen, der ihr die Natur und die Lebensphilosophie der Indianer näherbringt und noch einiges mehr...

Something in Common by Fiona_Finlay
Buffy kann es nicht glauben, als sie erfährt, dass sie eine Reise auf die Malediven gewonnen hat. Die bescheidene junge Frau, die ihre Kindheit im Waisenhaus verbracht hat, freut sich sehr auf diesen Urlaub und ahnt dabei nicht, dass sie die Reise einem Mann zu verdanken hat, der einmal ein wichtiger Teil ihrer Vergangeheit war...

Nicht zu vergessen die Zusammenarbeit zwischen fiona_finlay und spikes_sway "spikes_sway"
Islands in the Stream
Die junge, reiche Reedertochter Buffy Summers ist in Nöten. Kurz bevor sie ihren Verlobten ihrem Vater vorstellen kann, gibt dieser ihr den Laufpass. Nun steht alles auf dem Spiel, denn sollte sie keinen Begleiter zur Schiffstaufe von Hank Summers neuestem Kreuzfahrtschiff mitbringen, würde er ihr die Kreditkarten sperren und sie wäre gezwungen, arbeiten zu gehen. Undenkbar für das verwöhnte Töchterlein. Da erscheint ihr ein Retter in der Not: Der junge Punk Spike, der sie vor einem brutalen Überfall rettet. Buffy ersinnt einen wahnwitzigen Plan, der Spike in einen Strudel unvorhergesehener Ereignisse stürzt...

Painted Dream by Fiona_Finlay
Buffy arbeitet als Putzfrau in einem Museum, um ihre Schulden, die sie durch die Pflege ihrer krebskranken Mutter hat machen müssen, abzubezahlen. Die einsame junge Frau steht oft vor einem Bild im Museum, das es ihr besonders angetan hat. Dem Mann auf dem Bild vertraut sie ihre Ängste und Sorgen an, bis sie plötzlich merkt, dass es mit dem Bild etwas viel Merkwürdigeres auf sich hat, als sie je geahnt hätte...

fic recs, fanfiction, cordykitten's fic recs

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