Fic: (HnG) Season of Black Chrysanthemums: Summer - Part 1/?

Dec 05, 2008 17:03

Title: Season of Black Chrysanthemums: Summer
Author: corbeaun
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go belongs to Obata Takeshi and Hotta Yumi.
Author's note: Thanks to therhoda for being first-reader. :)

Summary: Fear not enemies but friends.

Summer - Part 1 )

fandom: hikaru no go, hng: sbc, fic: hng

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Comments 25

uminohikari December 6 2008, 01:54:54 UTC

*spams with hearts*


corbeaun January 5 2009, 21:35:35 UTC


therhoda December 6 2008, 04:17:54 UTC
so so happy!


corbeaun January 5 2009, 21:35:24 UTC


goldenrat84 December 6 2008, 04:35:56 UTC
Yay, update! How are Akira and Hikaru ever going to believably get together in the universe?!


corbeaun January 5 2009, 21:37:12 UTC
Believe me, that is a question I've been asking too. Although it's not the getting together part that's tough, but rather the staying together part... ^^;;


das_nordlicht December 6 2008, 14:43:09 UTC
I refused to give up hope that there would be an udate for this story - and here it is! ^____^ Nice present for Nikolaus, thanks for posting it. I know I repeat myself again and again, but: I love this yakuzaverse of yours. I'm looking forward to the next meeting between Hikaru and Akira.


corbeaun January 5 2009, 21:44:00 UTC
Thank you for not minding telling me again and again how much you like this. Sorry about my delayed updating (RL intruded): the next immediate update may or may not reunite Hikaru and Akira, but I do know that when the two do meet again, certain events won't let them part for a long time... possibly until the end of the series. *g*


chaos_rice December 6 2008, 16:14:41 UTC
yay! update, update, happy dance, happy dance.
you KNOW Akira will wipe the floor with the old school yakuza and cops.

now i wait for Tsutsui Kimihiro, Doormat Extrodinare to update to and my year will be complete


corbeaun January 5 2009, 21:55:48 UTC
Akira would be glad we have so much faith in him, and I'm really glad you are still reading despite the long wait between updates. *g*

As for Tsutsui, there's definitely possibilities... Tsutsui Kimihiro, an accountant for the yakuza, maybe? In my drafts, there actually is a slot open for an accountant to the Touya-gumi - a person who will be relatively important to the unfurling plot. I have another HnG character in mind for that role, but you reminded me of the wealth of characters from the beginning of the series that I hadn't taken advantage of. So, Tsutsui Kimihiro, Yakuza Money-launder Extraordinaire? Definitely possibilities...


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