[20]-->red tape to keep the truth confined [Backdated to earlier]

Mar 20, 2011 22:19

[Voice]Right so, no time for small talk, don't really care what you're up to right now, there are more important things. So, who else is exploring the highway ( Read more... )

back dated, plan? what plan, check out what i got, listen up mayfield, !event: highway, a technical pacifist

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Comments 71

Phone nothing_is_grey March 21 2011, 05:38:29 UTC
That is all quite informative, the highway may very well lead to other more important findings. Maybe I should have put more effort into seeing it.


Re: Phone coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:14:06 UTC
Well, yes. Though, I'm sure there are risks, but what in life doesn't have risks? Just be prepared. Though really, there's not much they can do other than threaten you.


Re: Phone nothing_is_grey March 21 2011, 06:29:20 UTC
I'm not worried about anyone doing anything to me, and since there are factions forming I have no plans to see the highway currently. Hopefully those who are brave enough to continue their investigations will come back with good information.


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 18:01:18 UTC
Of course, well, I hope you find some way to be useful if you're not going to explore the highway. Maybe try the dairy.


phone enviousmath March 21 2011, 05:41:33 UTC
Don't bother. I was there earlier - both the waitress and her father are gone. Place is deserted as well.


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:06:34 UTC
I saw.

Doesn't change a thing. I promised to help them and that's what I'm going to do. I just need more information to do so.


enviousmath March 21 2011, 06:08:09 UTC
What information can you find? Last time driving around only caused a loop and now that the only two people who where there are gone...I don'r see what it can teach us. The dairy seems more of the focus and the highway just looks like a distraction to me.

[Of course, she's just saying this to keep him away. She already killed a few people and she isn't afraid to kill more.]


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:34:56 UTC
Any information at all! And, in case you were too dim to pay attention, there were flickers on the highway loops. Flickers of other things that we might be able to get to.

Both the dairy and the highway are important, but! So far, the Dairy is impenetrable. Perhaps the key to that is on the highway.


phone; firstcommand March 21 2011, 05:45:49 UTC
[ Castiel digests all the information, and after thinking about it, decides to speak up. He doesn't really care that the Doctor probably has no idea who Dean is. ]

Dean and I will be exploring the high way. If we find anything I will let you know.


somewhere in the background outtahell March 21 2011, 06:00:02 UTC
Yeah, and if you need any backup, give us a shout. Least we can do for the info dump and the knowledge that we're not the only bastards out on that road.

[ There's a grin in Dean's voice before he leaves Castiel to his phone and goes to inspect their own personal arsenal. ]


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:04:07 UTC
Well, needing backup or not depends on what we find on the road. Which so far, is nothing. Which of course, means that there's something huge just waiting to appear and take us all for a left turn.

Don't think we've met either, I'm the Doctor.


firstcommand March 21 2011, 06:09:25 UTC
I am Castiel.

[ he pauses. Dean told him not to tell people he was an angel, so... ]

That was Dean Winchester. There's something out there. The signs-- they flicker. Almost as though what we're seeing is simply a projection held together by a thread.


Phone worstvikingever March 21 2011, 05:53:16 UTC
That... wow. No one told me any of that. I mean, I heard the phone call like everybody else, but I didn't know that about the diner lady. Barbie? Huh.

[He is pondering quite deeply.]

Well I don't know how much help I can be, but I'd like to help however I can.


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:15:36 UTC
I had to press her for the information. Clearly, she's not a drone, but she's also not like us. She knew things about the past of this place.

Go to the highway, look for clues. They're out there, we just need to find enough dots to connect to get a big picture.

And if you do that. ...Be careful.


worstvikingever March 21 2011, 06:20:40 UTC
I'll... see what I can do. I might have to get out of the house soon anyway...

[He trails off, as if he's listening to something in the distance.]


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 18:03:27 UTC
...What's happening?


Phone infinitemars March 21 2011, 05:54:22 UTC
[She sounds unsure]

I spoke to her, but I didn't get a note. She seemed nice but different. I, uh, I wouldn't be much help going out there unless you need someone to draw everything. I can even do it after the fact if necessary...


coolbowtie March 21 2011, 06:24:11 UTC
Anyone who doesn't roll over and give up is still helping us. That's all it takes sometimes.


infinitemars March 21 2011, 06:30:30 UTC
Maybe... but I don't want to get in the way if something happens and would want to be of some use...


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