[20]-->red tape to keep the truth confined [Backdated to earlier]

Mar 20, 2011 22:19


Right so, no time for small talk, don't really care what you're up to right now, there are more important things. So, who else is exploring the highway?

Oh, right. Grady tried to threaten us into being too scared to, but clearly, like most of the things he tries, it didn't work. Plus, he's nothing to worry about, what about that call with the librarian and Billy Smith, eh? If you have even a bit of a brain, that was far more important than anything Grady had to say.

So who stopped at the Petrol Station and met the nice girl and her father and just happened to get a note begging for help? Because I managed to get another note from Barbie. Something about a noise that's the key. It's connected to the noise at the dairy, I'm quite sure. However, at this point there's no way of entering, so! We need to focus on other things.

Oh right, and she mentioned that it was written by someone named William. So I'll spell it out for anyone too stupid to follow me, Billy is a nickname for William. Between this and the phone conversation, there is quite a bit of evidence that Billy Smith is aware and involved in something going on here. It could be that this William and Billy are connected or even the same person. We need to keep watching him for more slips, him and the librarian. And even if I'm entirely wrong, which is unlikely, it's still something to consider. Who's William? And what is Billy Smith's story? We've focused on Lucy, but what's his story in this phone call?

Otherwise, Barbie mentioned Exit 17 as being an impossible goal. That's another clue that still needs more to it, more information, more explanation, more clarity. There are more clues out there, we absolutely need to keep searching that highway. Grady be damned! There are more important things out there, more to lose if we don't keep trying to learn more. Every time we learn new information and everything we learn is another step towards getting out of here.

So anyone who tries to stop me, you'll be sorely disappointed to find that you can't. Believe me, I'm quite unstoppable when I really try to. And I'll be helping anyone else who needs it along the road. And if you're too scared to travel down the highway, well, I can't really tell you what to do. You're even bigger idiots than I expected if you think that Grady's just going to leave you alone just because you sit inside and hide. He's not going to help anyone, not even if you work with him. So don't be so stupid.

If you want to find me, I'll be at the Petrol Station looking for information. I promised Barbie that I'd help her and that's what I plan on doing. Don't really care if I see you or not, but don't be stupid enough to pick the wrong side.

Time for a road trip! I'll be sorely disappointed if some of you don't join me.


[The Doctor is at his house, loading a car full of supplies. Actually, it looks a lot like random junk he found around the house rather than supplies. Though, there is noticeable lack of anything that could be used to defend himself being packed into the car. Clearly, he plans on doing whatever he plans on doing entirely unarmed. He's left a copy of the note pinned to his garage door as he packs.

[Otherwise, after he leaves, you will only be able to catch the Doctor exploring the gas station and diner just as he promised he would]

back dated, plan? what plan, check out what i got, listen up mayfield, !event: highway, a technical pacifist

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