[Voice-addressed to the Weeping Angels]
returning everyone home from Westport, The Doctor's voice comes over the phone lines, surprisingly filled with bravado in comparison to his miserable appearance the past week]
You lot. Yeah, you, angels. I know you can hear me and will get the message out to those that can't. I have a deal for you, aren't you lucky? I'm thinking I might just give you the TARDIS if you decide that you'll leave everyone in this town alone. Doesn't that sound nice? Well, if you want it, you all better meet me in the post office. Every. single. one. of you.
Oh and if you're not there in an hour, consider my mind changed and yourselves out of luck. Ta!
[he hangs up]
[An hour later, all the angels are swarming around the TARDIS in the lobby of the Post Office, unable to resist the lure of the infinite energy the time machine could provide them. The Doctor watches, looking slightly sickened to have them touching his precious old friend, but he reassures himself that she is a willing participate in the plan. He's locked himself in the mail room, much to the annoyance of the Postman, and speaks to the Angels through a communicator]
Glad to see you all here, as you can see I've kept good on my promise! Aren't you lucky that's the sort of man I am? But unfortunately, you see, you hurt some people I really care about so, the deal is off. Besides, the old girl is furious at me for giving up what I did to get her back, so she's not too keen on being here like this. So I'm afraid this is where it all ends. SO! Postman, here you go, here's what I'm trading in, take it back and give me back what I gave you for the TARDIS.
[The Postman replies with a snarky comment of annoyance to which the Doctor shoots back]
Oh, I don't care. [He turns to the TARDIS and sighs sadly] Thanks old girl, you saved everyone here, as usual. And I promise, I'll get you back someday, no strings attached. And... Amy, will appreciate it too, I'm sure, once I remember her again.
[And in the blink of an eye, the angels and the TARDIS are gone. The Doctor touches his chest, noting that he's returned to his Time Lord body, and his memories of Amy have returned. With a deep sigh of relief, he slumps against the nearest wall]
[After getting rid of the Angels, the Doctor walks back towards his home. He's covered with scratches, especially around his neck, his left arm is in a sloppily made sling and he's limping slightly as he shivers, unusually affected by the Winter cold. However, he's looking much better compared to how he did earlier when he was human. Time Lords deal with injuries and exhaustion much better than humans do.
Still, despite looking physically better, the look on his face can only be described as miserable as he makes his rounds around town to make absolutely sure there are no angels left. You're free to try to talk to him, though he doesn't really look keen on the idea of talking to anyone right now]
[When the Doctor finally makes it back home, he makes a call to the town, sounding like someone coming down with a headcold]
Okay, I'm sure you lot have a lot of questions and for now I have just one answer: yes, the angels are completely gone. Yes, I am entirely sure of that, so don't bother asking. If you have any other questions, well, you'll have to just sit down, shut up, and wait. I'm exhausted, haven't slept in nearly two weeks, and human bodies don't tend to do well with that as I've learned by how bloody awful I feel right now. Like someone took a bunch of tissue and shoved it into my head and it's now coming out my nose, it's disgusting.
So, if you need me, call me in a few days and maybe I'll feel like talking to you.
[He hangs up.
Of course for anyone who knows the Doctor, most of that speech just meant "I feel extremely guilty over everything that just happened and I can't face anyone right now". Though if anyone decides to actually go looking for him, they'll find him in his room, actually using his bed for lying in stead of as a storage space for junk. He's curled up on his side, probably not actually sleeping, but lying around feeling miserable and guilty. Though you could still try to give him a call]
((ooc; this is officially the player plot winding down and coming to an end! Feel free to backdate anything you want and Cappy and I will be continuing to keep threading as the angels for as long as anyone needs. Thanks everyone!))