[21]->and all the faults you've left behind

Apr 05, 2011 11:38

[The Doctor has been rather scarce since Vietnam's and Taiwan's droning, and the end of the Milkman fight. His garage that's usually filled with strange things is silent and even his housemates will rarely see him. If you do, it's probably at night, sitting on his rooftop. Or trying to talk with a Vietnam's drone at the hospital.

He maintains this silence until finally his voice comes over the radio. He sounds alright for the most part, but there's a hint of flatness to his voice]

[Voice-The Usual Filters]

So. Got a call from Grady, seems I've been recruited into the police force. Well, not like that's never happened before, but I really wonder where these people keep getting my number. Do I just have a big "oh, yes, recruit me into your military functions" stamped onto my forehead? Because I'm just ever so fond of using your ridiculous inventions like guns and missles. Oh, Grady, if you're listening, I already threw the one you gave for the job out. Well, didn't throw out exactly, more like turned it into a satiellete remote. But it works brilliantly! Still can't help wonder if this just really late April Fools Joke?

...Sorry, bad subject, moving on. Suppose I'll play a long for a bit, see if I can't find anything useful out of it. Oh, it's an undercover mission, except I'm sure that Grady already knows I don't want to help him, so really it's just a "slightly under the surface" sort of mission. Though, I do appreciate the distraction from the dullness around here. Though, really, how do you ever top a giant mecha milkman, that's quite a feat.

Anyway, who else is involved with Grady. What have you learned. Feel free to talk to me in person, I'm quite recognizable in this awful uniform I'm supposed to wear. So it will be me, sans bowtie, so just ask for "The Doctor".


[A. The Doctor is standing outside the police station, wearing a new police uniform, looking distinctly bored, and extremely uncomfortable in the uniform. He keeps tugging on the collar and sleeves like a small child stuck in a suit. He also looks like he hasn't slept in weeks. Drones who pass by will salute him, and in response he'll simply roll his eyes.]

[B. If you're someone who the Doctor knows fairly well, you might find him stalking around your house at night, as thought checking to make sure everything is in order. If any drones ask him what he's up to, he'll say "Oh, just checking up on the erm... building structure of the homes, you know, can't having anything collapsing in case of... well, anything really."

He'll also be doing the same to the Smiths and the City hall]

[C. Acting as a crossing guard for the school! Which mostly means using his sonic screwdriver to turn the lights green for any child who needs to cross. He actually seems to be slightly enjoying this and will gladly speak with any child, real or drone, who approaches him]

[D. At Olney's Tavern, asleep at the bar. He's clearly not drunk as the drink in front of him is barely half finished. It seems as though he somehow just nodded off, despite everyone else in the bar]

police officers are cool, sick tired and annoyed, a technical pacifist, so bored right now

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