[32] time after time

Nov 18, 2011 12:31


[The Doctor comes on the line and it's almost hard to recognize that it's him. The usual cheery arrogance is completely gone, replaced by a maniac fear. He seems to be unsure of where he is or whom he is speaking to.]Hello! Is anyone there?! Don't just stand around, answer the bloody phone ( Read more... )

death and all his friends, tick tock, !event: mushrooms, this is serious business

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Comments 451

action; spaceshadowfax November 18 2011, 19:00:25 UTC
[Her idiot has been in the garage all day. The least she can do is bring him something to eat...mayonnaise, mustard and pickle sandwiches are a good lunch, right?]

Doctor, if you're done fiddling with my box I brought you something- [Blood. Why is there so much blood? On the walls, the floor, her box, her Doctor-] Doctor! [She's kneeling at his side in an instant.]


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 19:02:22 UTC
...Old Girl.

[He slowly drops his hands from ears, wincing as the ticking of a clock pounds in his head.]


spaceshadowfax November 18 2011, 19:09:16 UTC
Yes, that's right. It's me. [Her voice is soft, soothing and she's trying so very hard to suppress the panic rising in her chest. She lays her hands on his face, holding his head to keep his eyes on her.]

Thief, what happened? What did you do?


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 19:11:00 UTC
I... something happened. I took them out... on just a small adventure then it all went wrong. And, oh God, they're dead...

And the ticking... the ticking in my head. It won't stop.


[Phone] puzzlerprince November 18 2011, 19:16:42 UTC
[Even though he hasn't known the guy for very long, this is the first time Edward's heard the Doctor as anything but completely composed.]

What are you going on about, Doctor? Slow down.


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 19:19:14 UTC
Ahh, Eddie.

[His voice sounds pained.]

There's been an accident... Someone's died... And the clock won't stop ticking... Ticking in my head.


puzzlerprince November 18 2011, 19:26:03 UTC
An accident? What sort of an accident? Who's dead? What clock?


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 19:27:52 UTC
The clock! Can't you hear it?! It's been bloody ticking nonstop. Can't shut it up.

[He hisses in pain.]

I don't know, someone's died and it's my fault.


action; frogst November 18 2011, 20:17:50 UTC
[ Jade finds him in the garage, and is horrified by what she sees. ]



coolbowtie November 18 2011, 20:22:47 UTC
Jade? Jade, you're alive? ...How did you get out? ...Or was it Karkat... or... Rose?

Ahh, my head.


frogst November 18 2011, 20:35:59 UTC
Yes, I'm alive. We're all alive! [ She hurries over to him, crouching beside him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. ] What did you do?


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 20:38:35 UTC
You are?

[With a wince he drops his bloody hands from his ears.]

I don't know... something had gone wrong. I... someone died and it's my fault. Always my fault.


ontologistic November 18 2011, 20:20:52 UTC
Doctor? What are you going on about?


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 20:23:35 UTC

Melody Pond. Everything you are, it's because of me. "The woman who kills the Doctor", eh? I made you become that. I'm sorry.


ontologistic November 18 2011, 20:33:54 UTC
You- [ She's quiet for a long moment, not sure what even brought this on in the first place. ] Don't apologize.

Are you alright? You didn't head your head, did you?


coolbowtie November 18 2011, 20:37:38 UTC
...I should have found you earlier... I let you down. And your mum and dad too.

[Ah. He hisses in pain.]

No, I didn't. Or maybe I did, my head is pounding.


[Phone] with_an_accent November 18 2011, 20:54:33 UTC
[Okay. The Doctor hasn't been around for a bit now--she's figured out that he's been moved, which she didn't think was possible but whatever, she's rolling with it. One of these days, she's going to visit his new place and see if it's different.

She doubts it is.

Still, hearing him on the phone still takes her a bit by surprise. As for what he's saying...]

What the ☠☠☠☠ are you going on about? You're not making any sense.


coolbowtie November 19 2011, 04:30:02 UTC

Is that you?


with_an_accent November 19 2011, 22:38:04 UTC
Yes, it's me.

Now, what is all this about dying and Lake Silencio and ticking in your head?


coolbowtie November 20 2011, 00:27:56 UTC
...It's counting down. Counting down until my death at Lake Silencio. The clocks are all counting down.


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