To get back into the swing of things, I decided to sign up for a 20in20 this month! I'd also been meaning to participate over at animated20in20, so I guess this counted as a good excuse.
I actually have no idea why I chose Maka Albarn for my set, other than she's totally awesome. I adore the Soul Eater artbook scans... the style is very unique, has a lot of facial expressions, and is incredebly hard to extract due to all the black lines the mangaka uses. All in all, it was great to revisit a favorite series through this set!
01 Accessory 02 Romance 03 Scale 04 Unnatural 05 Young
06 Hair 07 Triangle 08 One Color 09 Group 10 Outfit
NOTES 04 - I was inspired by when Maka goes insane. She's usually very reserved and mature, so she freaks out when the crazy starts coming out. 10 - Because Maka is awesome, and can fight evil in a mini skirt. 11-15 - I tried matching the emotions with color meanings. 16-20 - A light to dark gradient, which ended up also being a journey into despair by the time the set was completed.
[rules & how to credit]RULES [x] Please credit me for any graphics taken or used with my username (cool_spectrum). [x] Comments always make my day, and feedback is especially appreciated. [x] If you would like any of my graphics personalized, please ask me. Do not edit my icons, banners, or wallpapers without permission. [x] No hotlinking, please! Save graphics to your own server. [x] Enjoy!
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