Icontraption is proud to present a list of our affiliates. This is a combined list of affiliates for all of the makers who post here.
Inventors! Please make sure to track this entry! I won't always be able to approve new affiliates right away and add them to the list. If I ever disappear thanks to RL, someone else will need to create a new list, but I'll try to give notice if that ever happens XD
_moonangel_ = graphics by kotae
absolucion = graphics by pamkips
aigraphics = graphics by ai1610
aiihana = graphics by aiikyoya and hanaxsawada
blissful_garden = graphics by lu_hesperia
blushette = graphics by memoirable
catswort = graphics by saya
clockwisedoom = graphics by celestial_m00n
cyanstreaks = graphics by miyasaikou
dromerige = graphics by nna_chan
dynamic_juiced = graphics by seiuns
epic_colours = a graphics sharing community for iconmakers
eveningsky = graphics by angelamaria
fallaciousli = graphics by azuyama_chan
fleshmaiden = graphics by eve_sparda
gospelle = graphics by farron
hikarisagasu = graphics by hanakohikari
kambalaya = graphics by aya88
laa_chan = graphics by laa_chan
lavender_drops = graphics by anna_tsukiko
lovetackle = graphics by baka_tenshi
marnie_graphics = graphics by mar_chan95
natsusuki = graphics by zabuza_sama26
nommings = graphics by vestigials
novemberwine = graphics by awry and marionnnette
puka_pudge = graphics by 989240, bellajunior, phchiu, and yue_akuma
querita = graphics by querita
rainniedays = graphics by ceres_wish
randebu = graphics by takonasu
rashuko = graphics by rashiea
recycle = graphics by blame
seasalt_works = graphics by seasalt_works
shantmind = graphics by whitelilies22
shalowater = graphics by shalowater
shikon_icons = graphics by rhye
skiesareorange = graphics by anionna
tasteofblame = graphics by rommipullo
twinstrikeish = graphics by twinstrike
unapologise = graphics by awry
vermilionblush = graphics by eudoxis
visual_blur = graphics by ranviers, revoiment_hika , and vai_rin
xxpyrography = graphics by serah, skychain, and quiesscent
yongheart = graphics by dearmykeysx
If you would like to promote this community, you're free to use this:
WATCH COMMUNITY http://i434.photobucket.com/albums/qq63/color_spectrum/Other Icon Projects/iconpimp.png">
http://icontraption.livejournal.com/2227.html">RULES & INFO | http://icontraption.livejournal.com/1331.html">BECOME AN INVENTOR | http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=icontraption">WATCH COMMUNITY