Solo20in20 - Princess Tutu

Feb 20, 2012 15:53

For round 04 at solo20in20 I claimed the many forms of Duck! This includes duck form, Princess Tutu form, and human girl form. Confusing unless you've seen the anime. Most of the icons are Princess Tutu form, simply because there were so many pretty images of her. For those of you who refer to Duck as Ahiru, I'm sorry, but I watched the anime in English, so Duck stuck.

I really love this anime. The story was so full of twists, just when you thought it was over, something else happened and left you on the edge of your seat. Don't let the name and the cutsie outfits fool you, this is a fantastic anime, and you should try it out before you judge it!


Red Circle7


Artist's Choice1617181920


01 - Hope is the thing with feathers from Hope is the Thing by Emily Dickinson.
02 - One of the hardest themes for me. This was as fierce as I could get.
04 - Duck's transformation into Princess Tutu.
05 - In the past, Duck was actually a duck, and she still often transforms back into a duck.
09 - I felt so bad that I didn't get to do something more ~dark~ for this theme, but it was the best I could come up with.
11 - Determination.
12 - Battle.
13 - Sorrow.
14 - Grief.
15 - Death/Ascending to Heaven.
16-20 - The many faces of Duck.

[x] If you take any of these graphics, please credit cool_spectrum
[x] Comments are lovely
[x] Please do not edit my icons or banners in any way. If you want a banner edited, please ask
[x] Please save icons and banners to your own server
[x] Enjoy!

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