Solo20in20 - Princess Tutu

Feb 20, 2012 15:53

For round 04 at solo20in20 I claimed the many forms of Duck! This includes duck form, Princess Tutu form, and human girl form. Confusing unless you've seen the anime. Most of the icons are Princess Tutu form, simply because there were so many pretty images of her. For those of you who refer to Duck as Ahiru, I'm sorry, but I watched the anime in English, so ( Read more... )

community: solo20in20, anime/manga: princess tutu, !icon post

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Comments 18

rizbef February 21 2012, 04:34:22 UTC
Very nice interpretations :)


cool_spectrum February 21 2012, 05:00:05 UTC
Thank you!


aeriiths February 21 2012, 08:42:12 UTC
These are lovely! I especially like 1, 8 and 10.


cool_spectrum February 21 2012, 20:00:01 UTC
Thank you! I worked especially hard on those three, so I'm very glad you like them~


eve_sparda February 21 2012, 11:01:49 UTC
So beautiful icons! Love especially the AC set ♥


cool_spectrum February 21 2012, 20:00:52 UTC
LOL, I had a lot of fun picking expressions for that set! Thank you very much <3


lu_hesperia February 21 2012, 11:16:13 UTC
The coloring of witchcraft *w*


cool_spectrum February 21 2012, 20:02:21 UTC
Ahh thank you! That's one of my pesonal favorites. It came out a lot better then I'd hoped it would... :3


(The comment has been removed)

cool_spectrum February 21 2012, 20:03:41 UTC
Thank you, I had a lot of fun working with a more ~girly~ color scheme for this set! <3


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