Chicken recipe?

Mar 12, 2014 23:09

I am looking for a specific recipe my ex's family used to make. I feel like I have googled everything that I can google, with no results. I am hoping one of you have heard of a recipe that contains ( Read more... )

meal: dinner, meat: chicken, cuisine: american, search: recipe

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Comments 11

malnpudl March 13 2014, 03:11:53 UTC
Sounds kind of like stroganoff, but made with chicken rather than beef? Maybe?

Was there anything else in it? Veggies? Mushrooms? Onions? Garlic?


bluefalconchick March 13 2014, 03:14:31 UTC
Nope. No noodles either. :(


bluefalconchick March 13 2014, 03:15:38 UTC
Well, I don't remember the seasonings...But I know there were no garlic pieces (like crushed garlic) in it. It may have had garlic salt or garlic powder. Same with the onions. May have had onion powder, but no actual onions.


malnpudl March 13 2014, 04:06:49 UTC
Any hints you can give about the seasonings or flavor profile would be really helpful.

Did it remind you more of Mexican or Italian or Greek, etc... is there anything at all about the taste you can identify? Any hint of tomato flavoring? Oregano? Basil? Was there any hint of sweetness? Any hint of cheese, like a bit of Parmesan? You get the idea.


malkingrey March 13 2014, 13:35:09 UTC
Might it be this one:


malkingrey March 13 2014, 13:36:03 UTC
bluefalconchick March 13 2014, 20:47:14 UTC
It's not exact, but this is something I can work with! I can fiddle with it and make it match what I remember. Thanks so much!! <3


full_metal_ox March 13 2014, 21:15:56 UTC
That combination sounds similar to something my mom used to make*, but the thickening ingredient was Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup:

*I don't recall the paprika in Mom's version, but she did customarily top it with potato chips.


bluefalconchick March 13 2014, 22:16:35 UTC
I may "frankenstein" this and the previous recipe to get the desired result. Thanks!


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