pasta with chunky rosemary chilli tomato sauce

Jun 22, 2013 17:53

I love it when I'm home alone and I can take my time to cook, eat and clean up afterwards. While it was quite nerve-wrecking when I first started cooking, now I take all possible mistakes and disasters in my stride and enjoy the process for what it is - relaxing, educational, and deeply satisfying. A very satisfying recipe today - lovely tomato ( Read more... )

herbs and spices: rosemary, pasta and noodles, cuisine: italian, sauce: pasta, vegetable: tomato

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Comments 7

perletwo June 23 2013, 18:34:37 UTC
Seeing as I'm not a big fan of spicy, how do you think this would work if I subbed a red bell pepper for the chile and went with the 1/4 tsp dried chilli? Or taking out the chilli altogether and subbing in hot sausage slices?


amaelamin_ June 24 2013, 07:13:54 UTC
hot sausage slices would work amazingly! that would be super delicious. if you're still going with the chilli and just cooking for one i'd recommend using just a tiny pinch of chilli flakes, like half or less of a 1/4tsp. if using fresh chilli use 1/4 of a large red one (generally the smaller the more deadly) or use a green one - more flavour and less heat. i'm not too sure about subbing with a red bell pepper as those aren't spicy where i come from. honestly, if you want to completely leave out the chilli this recipe would still be great. hope i helped!


inmyblueheaven June 26 2013, 20:49:28 UTC


amaelamin_ June 27 2013, 01:07:16 UTC
what is?


inmyblueheaven June 27 2013, 16:19:25 UTC
While it was quite nerve-wrecking when I first started cooking...

I´m correcting the second sentence of her post. Nerve-racking or nerve-wracking are correct. Nerve-wrecking is not.


amaelamin_ June 28 2013, 04:37:08 UTC
i'm the OP on another account, thanks for catching that!


tommy50702 November 20 2014, 10:28:01 UTC
Delicious when served over fritos!


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