pasta with chunky rosemary chilli tomato sauce

Jun 22, 2013 17:53

I love it when I'm home alone and I can take my time to cook, eat and clean up afterwards. While it was quite nerve-wrecking when I first started cooking, now I take all possible mistakes and disasters in my stride and enjoy the process for what it is - relaxing, educational, and deeply satisfying. A very satisfying recipe today - lovely tomato pasta!

I love pasta to death; whether with a tomato, cream or olive oil-based sauce, it doesn't matter. It's easy to throw together, super delicious, and fills you up - what's not to like? Italians, you guys are good job. This recipe comes from The Cast-Iron Darling and it turned out looking pretty different from the pictures in the original recipe because I tweaked the amounts a bit. I was only cooking for myself, so I roughly quartered the amounts in the recipe below.

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves, minced / 1 tbs dried
1 garlic clove, chopped
1/2 red chile, chopped / 1/4 tsp dried chili flakes
9 ounces canned tomatoes with juice, chopped
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon water
12 ounces spaghetti

1. Pour the oil in a skillet and turn the heat to medium. Toss in the rosemary, garlic, and chile. Cook until fragrant, about two minutes. Pour in the chopped tomatoes. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, and cook for 30 minutes.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, water, and milk.

3. Bring a large pot of water to a boil for the spaghetti. Cook according to directions on the box.

4. When done simmering, season with the tomato sauce with salt, and then pour in the flour mixture. Mix together and then cook for 5 minutes.

5. Toss the drained spaghetti in with the rosemary sauce to coat. Serve with some grated parmesan.

Messy and gorgeous like comfort food should be!

Like the OP, I used penne instead of spaghetti because I prefer ridged pasta when I'm making a chunky sauce, so that the sauce can cling more easily to the pasta. I used 1tbsp of oil, 1 whole garlic clove, the full amount of chilli flakes, and 5oz of tomatoes instead of strictly quartering all the amounts because I wanted a punchier flavour and more sauce than the OP's picture showed. I'm telling you, the aroma of the sauteing garlic, chilli and rosemary is to die for. Just take a minute and breathe that goodness in. Okay? Okay.

I didn't cook the tomatoes for the recommended 30 minutes since I wasn't making the full recipe, so I simmered them for 15 minutes and that seemed fine. The tomatoes should cook down till they aren't wet anymore - I added about a 1/2 cup of the tomato juice with the tomatoes and that disappeared by the end of the 15 minutes. Work fast when you add the flour mixture because if not it's going to become little milky blobs among your sauce, not incorporated with it. I used the full recipe's amount of chilli because I thought, hey, 1/4 tsp is nothing! But the chilli flakes packed a punch. So be careful if you're not really good with spicy things, or the chilli you're using is particularly spicy.

I got just the right amount of sauce-to-pasta ratio - I always feel really sad when the pasta I get has hardly any sauce on it. I know the proper way of serving sauced pasta is not to drown the pasta in it, but when you have a chunky sauce like this I think the only way to serve it is to see chunks of the sauce. This was beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Clean and fresh and packed with flavour.

herbs and spices: rosemary, pasta and noodles, cuisine: italian, sauce: pasta, vegetable: tomato

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