I've got cows' feet. Now what?

Mar 26, 2013 18:02

(There will be a brief pause to allow the wiseacres in the audience to reply, "You ought to see a podiatrist for that", or, "I hear the circus is hiring ( Read more... )

meat: beef, help: idea feedback, soup: stock, meat: exotic, help: cooking meat

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Comments 2

anita_margarita March 27 2013, 00:05:02 UTC
Some meat, some marrow, some fat. Yes, after cleaning them, you want to stew them. I don't know if the ones you bought are whole or cut into pieces; if not, you'll want to get a cleaver and cut them up.


full_metal_ox March 27 2013, 20:22:36 UTC
Thank you; the ones I bought seem to be cut into cross-sections, which spares me at least that bit of preparation.

(My inquiries have also turned up this thread on bone broths, which--as well as being a venerable tradition--are apparently much in vogue in low-carb/Paleo. circles.)


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