I need some advice! :)

Nov 17, 2010 22:20

Hey all! I haven't been super active on LJ recently, but you all helped me make a key lime pie once. Lol. So I'm back and need a little advice ( Read more... )

vegetable: mushroom, legume: black beans, legume: chickpea, help: what to make

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Comments 2

stormypinkness November 18 2010, 17:36:28 UTC
Here is a mushroom gravy I make, but I kind of just throw it together so I will try to explain it well.

Chop an onion and sautee in olive oil. Chop or slice your mushrooms (I chop them but it is just preference)and add them to the pan once the onions are clear
I like to cook them unitl the mushrooms have released their water and are browned. I add one or two cloves of garlic in the last couple of minutes.
Add a couple of tablespoons of flour and more oil or some butter if needed and make a roux. Add a couple of cups (to preference) of veggie broth and stir well. I add pepper, and usually some thyme or this seasoning mix I have (Trader Joe's 21 seasoning salute) and a little soy sauce. Simmer on low until gravy is thickened and delicious. I add like a tablespoon of course mustard at the end and I was really happy once I started doing that.


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