I need some advice! :)

Nov 17, 2010 22:20

Hey all! I haven't been super active on LJ recently, but you all helped me make a key lime pie once. Lol. So I'm back and need a little advice.

Today I bought a can of black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas. And I'm going to make some patties (like in place of a piece of meat) and I also bought mushrooms and I want to make a mushroom-kinda-sauce on top.

So I was wondering if anyone had a good veggie/bean patty recipe? Something that will turn out nice and crispy on the outside and have a rich taste? And a mushroom gravy/topping recipe would also be most appreciated. :)

Thanks in advance!

vegetable: mushroom, legume: black beans, legume: chickpea, help: what to make

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