COOL SCAVENGER HUNT, BRO. [open; in progress]

Oct 26, 2009 01:58

Characters; Open to everyone in Exfag
Setting/Location; Ex Favila, base-wide
Date & Time; Day 3, 1:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Warnings; Violence + food + liquor + a uniquely Exfag brand of idiocy
Briefing; Titties Attilic wants vodka cake. The hunt begins!

NOTE: For organization/efficiency's sake, anyone from 2nd Brigade with ingredients in their tent ( Read more... )

mihael "mello" keehl, tyki mikk, mikage, kagura, kiba inuzuka, linoan, abel, poland, *country: ex favila, tsunayoshi sawada, chie satonaka

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Comments 34

Cabin # 6 : Eggs straycarnage October 26 2009, 09:40:07 UTC
Eggs. She was planning to eat them. Breaking them over a steaming bowl of rice seemed like a good idea, if they had rice. (They should! Western food was shit! Though the truth is she'll eat anything, really.) Or boil them. Or toss them at someone.

But their "illustrious" leader told her that she wasn't allowed to eat them. He said nothing about the kangaroos but she doubted that she could eat them too.

So she stood outside of their cabin, fresh from that night's run, with a basket filled with eggs.

There better be chocolate in exchange.


m_sfire October 26 2009, 11:02:16 UTC
He knew the layout of the camp fairly well by now, and moreover, the campground wasn't terribly large. Mello arrived in moments at his destination moving at a brisk walk, hands shoved into his pockets as he approached the girl waiting -- surprisingly diligent -- outside, presumably for his arrival.

And there were the eggs. He'd been less than sure about their condition or Kagura's restraint, but she seemed pretty attached to the idea of chocolate. Not that he couldn't understand that, but he would hardly have encouraged it without an ulterior motive.

(Kamui. Just what did she know -- and more importantly, considering what he'd seen of the girl, would the information be useful?)

"Back from training pretty early, aren't you?"


straycarnage October 26 2009, 11:14:28 UTC
"I'm fast." She yawned. "And I wanted to sleep more." Which was now hard to do with their leader waking everybody up to bake a cake.

"Here." She handed him the basket with one hand, and stretched out her other hand, expecting him to put something there.


m_sfire October 26 2009, 11:23:34 UTC
"Best-laid plans of mice and men, huh? You telling me you can't sleep through a little drill like this?" A short laugh as he hefted the basket experimentally; it didn't seem as though it would be too big a hindrance weight-wise, although the egg part would slow him down.

No big. Considering the nature of the rest of the ingredients, he might not even need a mule until later.

The hand out got an amused look. Was she expecting some kind of collateral?


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m_sfire October 26 2009, 21:50:22 UTC
Now that he had the eggs, he would have to be a bit more circumspect about storming tents. Considering Cloud's sudden interest in his troops and the alarm bells still ringing in his ears, Mello doubted there was anyone left to be roused (if they were all back yet, anyway), but it didn't hurt to take precautions regardless.

He hadn't yet scouted all the occupants in each cabin, either, especially those of the 2nd Brigade -- perhaps he should look in on a training session at some point in the future for expediency -- so once he'd made his way to a nearby tent (#4), he stopped outside and lifted the flap, first.

"Hey. Anybody home?"


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Kiba has the baking soda :/ livesbyinstinct October 28 2009, 02:32:40 UTC
Kiba ran. Or rather, Akamaru did the running, the canine barreling through the camp-grounds (and its lethargic occupants) at break-neck speed, Kiba riding securely on his back. Despite the annoying 1:00 AM awakening, Kiba was enjoying himself more than he thought he would. The rush of adrenaline, the little bits of chaos, the excitement. Perfect. It gave him something to do, something to chase away the ever-growing tedium... even if he felt like he was on one of those damn D-Rank missions back home again.

Sure, they weren't rescuing a brain-dead cat from a tree, but still, he was hiding a package of baking soda in his coat for God's sake. It felt distinctly juvenile. It was juvenile. But whatever. If hiding it made the first and third brigades' lives hell, then he could live with that. It made everything worth it. That, and maybe the chance to actually have some real fresh air, not some frigid arctic crap ( ... )


Cabin #9 - The Other Bottle of Vodka skyboundblaze October 26 2009, 16:23:18 UTC
Tsunayoshi was completely exhausted. As much as he liked to hang out with friends and play games until late into the night, he was never a fan of hard work. All the training in this place felt particularly tiring and unsettling. From the very beginning, Tsuna didn't want to fight. All he wanted was to find a way home and live with all his friends happily.

But here? Here, he was expected to fight alongside people he never met for reasons that had nothing to do with him. He hated to think about it, so it was no surprise at all when such thoughts left him tired and unfocused before long.

By the time he reached his tent, Tsuna was frozen and barely capable of staying awake. He didn't even bother to undress completely, only throwing off the jacket he bought the other day and kicking off his boots before he crawled into the bed. The alarm didn't even manage to reach him. By the time it echoed through the camp, Tsunayoshi was already fast asleep.

Unfortunately for him, his sleep was bound to not last for long.


Cabin #9 - The Other Bottle of Vodka toneverabandon October 26 2009, 16:35:44 UTC
While Tsuna had been extremely tired, Mikage on the other hand, was still feeling rather active. It came with being a soldier, he supposed, and partially from being a very active teenager who'd probably try anything once in his life.

This, sadly, includes getting in trouble without knowing it.

He wasn't aware of the said race, having not really listened to the announcement earlier. He probably should have, really, considering it was probably one very important fact that he should not be drinking the strange vodka that suddenly appeared in the shared room they had. He hadn't intended to find it, honestly. He wanted to be as quiet as possible to let Tsuna rest, seeing as the boy had basically passed out already. However, the sight of the alcoholic beverage hiding under their bed was enough to make Mikage curious, and he had been amused to find out that it was the infamous vodka that Ex Favila seemed to store.

"Hey, Tsuna." Poke. Poke. After all, he should probably ask permission to drink it if it was Tsuna's, right?


skyboundblaze October 27 2009, 19:56:43 UTC
Someone was trying to wake him up. Although Tsuna did his best to imagine that this was only a bad dream and no such thing was happening, the next poke to his side confirmed it. In that tiny part of his mind that was still awake, he found himself feeling homesick. If someone woke him up right now, he wished it would have been Reborn with some ridiculous declaration of this whole thing being a dream. Then he would grab his breakfast and happily go train until he fell over...

But this wasn't anything of the sort, was it? Tsuna has heard Reborn's voice while half-asleep enough times to recognize it by now.

He squirmed and produced some unintelligible sound. It must have been him asking what's going on.


toneverabandon October 28 2009, 12:15:43 UTC
Ah, homesickness. Something Mikage definitely felt when he first arrived, though unlike Tsuna, he had no way of going back. He was dead the last time he checked, and the only thing he could do now was hope that Teito was safe back in his world. Still, that wasn't about to deter his cheerful attitude, if only because he can tell his own roommate was obviously miserable, and he wanted to try to cheer him up somehow.

Hearing him respond, unclear as it may be, Mikage smiled brightly, waving the bottle of alcohol near Tsuna's eyes.

"Hey, is this yours? Mind if I have a drink?" If he knew Tsuna better though, which he admittedly didn't, it was very highly unlikely he would even keep a bottle of the alcoholic beverage with him. Then again, you can never judge a book by its cover, right?


Officer On Duty prazeroso October 26 2009, 22:46:29 UTC
It figured that their illustrious leader would pull a bit like this on a night when he'd decided to have a little fun. Normally, Tyki didn't really mind Attilic, because as far as leaders went, he seemed like he wasn't half bad. Not that he wanted to be here fighting this war, but it seemed like the other camps had a tougher time of things ( ... )


en route to the hospital hopeoftahra October 26 2009, 23:54:50 UTC
There hadn't been any orders specified for her, but Linon harbored no delusions about the dangers of messing with the sleep of anyone accustomed to violence. Not that Dagda hadn't always meant well, and he did promise to try and reign it in, but that didn't stop Saphy and Father Sleuf from writing a rotating schedule for healer on call to deal with the mess...

But this wasn't home, Saphy and Father Sleuf weren't here, and she really didn't know the others here well enough to say if they would cause problems. A few nosebleeds from a sleepy punch to the face would be little trouble, but if anyone here was the type to go for their weapon first and ask questions later...

She shook her head and crossed her arms against her chest, continuing to make her way to the hospital. It was so cold here. She'd go there, wait inside, and hopefully this little exercise would have no casualties.

And if it did...well, maybe she should borrow a few blankets from the hospital before she started making house calls.


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