COOL SCAVENGER HUNT, BRO. [open; in progress]

Oct 26, 2009 01:58

Characters; Open to everyone in Exfag
Setting/Location; Ex Favila, base-wide
Date & Time; Day 3, 1:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Warnings; Violence + food + liquor + a uniquely Exfag brand of idiocy
Briefing; Titties Attilic wants vodka cake. The hunt begins!

NOTE: For organization/efficiency's sake, anyone from 2nd Brigade with ingredients in their tent should post a new thread, and whoever is going after those ingredients should reply to that thread. Officers, civilians, etc. can drop in anywhere.

Asscrack of the day, Ex Favila base, frozen hell special with idiot dressing.

And how long did the head drunk plan on keeping those damn alarms on for? Not that he wasn't enjoying the occasional lesser drunk careening across the base running away from invisible disaster, but even Mello had some objections to working with constant screeching in the background this early. There were, however, advantages to needing less sleep than your average insomniac, give or take a few bars of chocolate.

Not that he had much faith in this so-called mission yielding much of use, but it was relatively easy to accomplish and yielded possible leverage with the head drunk; nothing to lose except sleep and a few decibels off his hearing (possibly a bit of skin, if 2nd Brigade was back by now).

Gun holstered (always be ready for contingencies), ingredient list memorized, and plan of attack in line, Mello stepped into the cold and made a beeline for Cabin #6; if it was a race Attilic wanted to watch, he would just have to make sure it was a disappointing one.

mihael "mello" keehl, tyki mikk, mikage, kagura, kiba inuzuka, linoan, abel, poland, *country: ex favila, tsunayoshi sawada, chie satonaka

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