Snake, have you ever seen 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'?

Oct 25, 2009 22:19

Characters; inherent_sin, ZOMBIES & anyone else!
Setting/Location; Verity / Cabin #6
Date & Time; Day 2, Evening
Warnings; ZOMBIES (that said: there's violence and some disturbing imagery in here. Don't click if you're not one for the horror genre)
Briefing; Big Boss returns back to his cabin only to find a horde of Zombies inside it, craving for his flesh! ( Read more... )

sasarai, solid snake, *country: verity, leon kennedy, ocelot, big boss, riku, lute

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Comments 36

fancy_shooting October 25 2009, 22:07:36 UTC
"Snake!" called a familiar voice from Big Boss' left, along with the familiar quick step of spurred boots. Ocelot, naturally, who had Big Boss' gun left from training, which he flung towards the other man.

Ocelot stopped next to him, managing to not look too out of breath as he slid a pair of revolvers free of their holsters. He hadn't forgotten his flair for presentation, and stood proudly while each revolver twirled over his fingers. "Been waiting long?"


intothedawn October 25 2009, 22:17:55 UTC
Riku lived just next door, so he just walked over to the sixth cabin. There wasn't any point in using the darkness to overcomplicate the situation, plus he needed to get out of his empty cabin sometime. The fact that he didn't have a bed to relax on probably helped his situation. He made sure that that one guy wasn't going to run into any more violent trees, then headed off to find... someone who looked exactly like his cabinmate holding the door shut. Well... it wasn't everyday he ran into replicas ( ... )


suplexing October 25 2009, 22:43:00 UTC
Out of everything that could've ended up happening during his stay here, it had to be zombies.

He wasn't sure if these were going to be like the T-virus infected that he had fought before, or even those infected with Las Plagas. But either way, he knew that he had to help his cabinmate and superior officer out with this. Once he had arrived, his sidearm- the 9mm he had received in Spain that he so lovingly dubbed the "Punisher"- was out in an instant, and he was already looking around.

"...any idea on how many there are here, or are we in the dark on that?"


third time's the charm intothedawn October 26 2009, 01:53:24 UTC
Riku sized the new person up from where he was pushing on the door, then thought about what he would say next. On one hand, he could say that there were about twice as many zombies in the cabin as there were people out here, plus a few more. If this guy knew what he was doing when it came to zombies, the information would probably help get rid of the horde inside faster. On the other hand, he'd probably have to explain how he knew that when there weren't any lights on in the house and the lights outside were only weak at best. Riku didn't have a short answer ready for that one.

Riku finally grunted out, "Do you know how to get rid of them?" If the guy beside him didn't know the answer, and the new guy did know what he was doing, Riku would tell the group what he knew. Unhappily, but this was what he was here for, wasn't he?


suplexing October 26 2009, 02:48:55 UTC
Leon let out a small sigh. "Yeah, I do. If you can shoot a gun, get one and aim for the head. Other weapons work too, but it's best if you keep your distance- getting bit is the last thing you want to have happen." He wasn't sure if they'd become irreversibly like the T-virus victim zombies or not, but they might as well had better not take any chances with it.


intothedawn October 26 2009, 03:21:26 UTC
The door shuddered, rapping the back of Riku's head sharply, but he kept pushing. Well, there went that excuse. He sighed. Maybe they wouldn't look too far into the subject. After all, they had other things to think "There are about eight in there. Maybe a few more, but I doubt more than that many could fit."


let's keep replying to the mainpost please, thats easier ;; inherent_sin October 26 2009, 09:25:13 UTC
Big Boss caught the gun effortlessly -- but only because Riku helped him with the door, otherwise he wouldn't even have been able to move his arm away one inch. Those things are persistent, he thought, as they kept pounding against the door (and his poor back), and he had no idea how long it would hold.

Letting them out (eight, he said?) and onto the general population was way too dangerous, and not something he could allow to happen. Mikhail couldn't care less, of course, that asshole, but in the end it'd be his fault --

He thought. They could count down, let them out and try to kill them one by one, or --

"--Fire," Big Boss said, voice strained, pushing back and checking his remaining ammunition quickly. "What about fire? I'd hate to burn down our cabin, Leon, but if it's a safe method I'd prefer that over having zombie brain splattered all over my wall anyday--!"


soiled314 October 26 2009, 11:30:39 UTC
Obviously the past three months had done their job, Sasarai was not completely out of breath and covered in sweat after running across half the Verity base. He did pause some ten meters away from the cabin to suck in some fresh air and evaluate the situation.

Basically, it was a mess. (A mess in his cabin. Thanks, Mikhail.)

However, time seemed to be of the essence and once he had calmed his racing heart enough, he begun to build a spell. Not quite tearing the ground open, no, but something else pulsing within the nature of his True Earth rune. These creatures were of magic, obviously, and that meant Sasarai could shield them all from the injuries the zombies would cause. At least momentarily.

The symbol of True Earth upon his right hand gained an eerie glow as he begun to stammer through the necessary incantations.


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