On Sunday, after the glorious news that we would be going to the Marriott Royal Court Hotel in Durham next year, a few of us came up with the idea for a fic challenge - Escape From The Park Hotel!
The idea is that we pick a fandom we want to write for, or just leave a prompt. You can write whatever fandom or characters you want!
Prompts and stories should follow this format: Our favourite character(s), through some cosmic misfortune, end up at The Park. And then they have to escape from the Park, preferably in a canon (or fanon) compliant way. If it involves property damage, all the better! Bonus points if the Park ends up a smoking hole in the ground. ::grin::
For example: Stargate SG-1 end up at the Park, and call for a medical emergency Asgard beam-out after Jack gets food poisoning from the carvery.
My notes on the story ideas we came up with don't make much sense to me now, but I'll reproduce them here anyway:
mandragora1 picked Supernatural, and suggested that Sam & Dean should salt and burn the Hotel, but didn't want to write that story.
mandragora1 wanted to write The Professionals instead: Bodie and Doyle are elderly undercover agents on a pensioners Mystery Coach Tour. They have walking sticks!
Continuing the elderly mayhem-makers theme, I suggested that Starsky & Hutch should also turn up undercover on the Mystery Tour - wearing matching elbow-patch cardigans, naturally.
segre (?) suggested that Dexter should turn up and serial-kill the owners, the manager, and various other staff ... and in the same vein of death and destruction, someone whose name I didn't write down [ETA:
temaris] suggested that Primeval's velociraptors should turn up at The Park through an anomaly. Not the team, you'll note -- just the very dangerous carnivorous dinosaurs.
temaris, in an act of visceral wish-fulfilment, also picked Stargate SG-1/Atlantis: naquadah/volcano. (The Park isn't having a very good day here, folks. ::g::) [ETA: Also, do not upset this woman; she's scary when she starts thinking about death and destruction!]
fides wanted Mulder to capture Krycek in Britain and stop off at the Park on the way back to America; Krycek assumes the Park is a cunning new form of torture. (X-Files.) [ETA: According to
fides this prompt was meant to be Krycek kidnapping Mulder and torturing him with the Park Hotel beds, but we both agree that those two switch, so it doesn't really matter. ::g::]
In Torchwood fandom, we have two prompts:
1. the idea that the dark scary place Jack goes to when he dies is... The Park Hotel! (oh, the horror!)
2. and a fixit fic: Captain Jack hallucinated Children of Earth after getting food poisoning at the Park.
I suggested that the Leverage team should turn up, screw the hotel over, steal everything that isn't nailed down, and then have Parker abseil off the building.
In a moment of soft-heartedness, we decided to save the Nice (Cute, Hot, Sexy, Slashable) Assistant Manager, since
moonlettuce likes him, and so we decided that Hermione from Harry Potter should turn up and give him a g-string to set him free from his life of domestic enslavement.
thwax wants Doctor Who: the Doctor and Rose fix (or break) the Park's terrible plumbing with the sonic screwdriver.
I also thought it would be hilarious and appropriate if someone wrote Tremors' Tyler as a guest victim of the Park, who later told his lover all about the horrors he suffered at their hands, and then El Blanco decided to Sort Them Out. Because, let's face it, if anyone deserves to be infested with Graboids, it's the Park!
beren_writes wants Merlin and Arthur. No notes on what she wants to do with the boys; just "
beren_writes wants Merlin and Arthur." ::sigh:: Don't we all? ::grin::
graculus, I know you were in this conversation too, and I know you made me laugh at least once with one of your suggestions. If I've misattributed something or left out one of your suggestions, please let me know so I can edit this post!]
So, any takers for those prompts above? Any suggestions for more prompts? Comment-fic, anyone?