Altered Reality

Apr 28, 2014 20:37

Title:  Altered Reality
Author:  Concupid
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  drug abuse, alcohol abuse/dependence, prostitution, dub-con, character death (the one mentioned in the summary, there aren't more!), explicit sex, angst
Pairing:  Dan/Jones
Summary:  There is no world in which Dan Ashcroft is a happy fellow, but without Claire, he would be lost.

When Claire dies in a tragic accident, Dan is left to negotiate the plastic world of Shoreditch on his own. It doesn't go well, but the world has a certain rhythm and rhyme and as a homeless alcoholic, Dan still becomes the Preacher Man, spray painting the truth on the walls and inspiring a cult-like devotion.
Author's note:  It's dark, super dark and yet probably not much darker than canon Nathan Barley.  Thanks to bluestocking79 for putting up with my constant nonsense and foot dragging and betaing this monster for me.  Whenever I'm lost, I look to my Bluey beacon to guide me back.

I have not yet seen karneol_vision's art work, but I already know it will be stunning because everything she does amazes me.  Thanks to karneol_vision for also putting up with my nonsense and foot dragging.

Edit: here is the cover art by karneol_vision.  She has a hiccough on her end and says she will be posting more later...  I can't tell you why this imagine makes me want to cry - I am not that in touch with my emotions - but, it is beyond beautiful.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

dan/jones, nc-17, smallfandombang, nathanbarley, big bangs, fanfic, angst, altered reality

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