Character(s): Winhill Mission SeeD Party (Commander Leonhart, Zelos, Shadow, Tom, Edge), Winhill civilians, a mysterious woman
Location: Wnihill
Rating: PG
Open/Closed/Finished: Closed
Summary: The Winhill Mission team is sent out to gather more information about a supposed Sorceress.
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Comments 26
Squall sends a look around at the other four members making up what he likes to call his investigation team, assessing each of them to see how they survived the trip in Ragnarok. "Is everyone ready?"
The sooner we find this woman, the better.
[So forgive the ninja a moment of nostalgia. He shakes it off quickly at the commander's question]
Let's get this done!
'Wonder what we'll uncover here...'
"Yeah," He laughed, folding his arms. Part of him desperately wanted to transform into his werepanther state, but he knew better; if they were scared by a supposed Sorceress, bringing a werepanther to town wouldn't help matters.
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