Character(s): Winhill Mission SeeD Party (Commander Leonhart, Zelos, Shadow, Tom, Edge), Winhill civilians, a mysterious woman
Location: Wnihill
Rating: PG
Open/Closed/Finished: Closed
Summary: The Winhill Mission team is sent out to gather more information about a supposed Sorceress.
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Squall sends a look around at the other four members making up what he likes to call his investigation team, assessing each of them to see how they survived the trip in Ragnarok. "Is everyone ready?"
The sooner we find this woman, the better.
[So forgive the ninja a moment of nostalgia. He shakes it off quickly at the commander's question]
Let's get this done!
'Wonder what we'll uncover here...'
"Yeah," He laughed, folding his arms. Part of him desperately wanted to transform into his werepanther state, but he knew better; if they were scared by a supposed Sorceress, bringing a werepanther to town wouldn't help matters.
Nothing much has changed in Winhill by the looks of things. It almost looks the same as it did as Squall remembers it being decades ago when he experienced the 'fairy trip' into the past as Laguna with the others. Sure there are a few new additions, renovations have been done... but it's Winhill, it's where his mother had lived.
Squall's just going to push that thought aside and focus on the potential sorceress.
The terrain seemed deceivingly calm for their mission. He kept on alert, just in case something horrid decided to fly out from nowhere to attack.
"You are the group of SeeDs that Cid had sent, yes?" But the moment his eyes settled on Squall, his excitement grew and the professionalism slipped for just a moment. "Oh, Commander Leonhart! Yes, yes, you must be SeeD!"
It was best that he lowered his voice for only the mayor and the members of his team to hear his words. There was no point in getting everyone excited about SeeD being there to investigate, but some of the looks thrown their way were less than cordial.
"Hey, speak up, Commander! The rest of us can't hear you!"
The ninja stepped up to the group, having seen nothing of interest. Nor will he for a moment, given the way he's facepalming.
Instead, he shook his head and moved closer to listen. There'd be plenty of time to send his teammates funny faces later.
Shadow moved up, but was still behind the rest of the group. Standing at a little over three feet tall, it would be hard to notice him, but he could hear just fine from his position.
"Welcome, welcome!" Cried the Mayor on a slightly unrelated note to Squall's question, wanting to greet the rest of the SeeD as warmly as possible. But he then quickly returned back on topic, his expression becoming somber. "Yes-- the woman. We haven't seen her until recently, and we certainly would know her if she'd been living here for long; we're not a large town, after all. From all the reports, she's a woman with dark brown hair and green eyes, average size. She's been spotted near the outskirts of the woods by civilians several times now, so I think it's safe to assume she lives around that area."
"Is there anything else you can tell us? Does she ever come into town or leave the woods at all? Any other unusual habits we should know about?"
They needed as much information as they could possibly get about her if they were to successfully pull this investigation mission off.
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