SIRIUS BLACK: 30 January 1976

Feb 10, 2006 14:59


He wrote
I didn’t think

They’ve done it. I’m out.

Owl from Father’s solicitor at breakfast. Fucking coward didn’t even have the guts to do it in person.

They’ve disowned me.
Can’t think Please

Mind the smudges. Spilt some tea.

Read more... )

1976, sirius_black

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Comments 236

stagboy February 10 2006, 20:22:28 UTC
*flounders a bit*
*grins uneasily*
Well, do you really want to be part of a family that'd put up with you in it?

That was Marx, wasn't it? The funny one, not the... erm, Communist. Though he was pretty funny too at times, if you like that kind of thing. Quite dark humour.


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 20:33:08 UTC
*shrugs non-commitally*
Reckon it's all for the best, anyway.

The one with the silly hat, you mean? With the Muggle... thingy... and he doesn't speak? *shakes his head solemnly* I don't think he's a Communist.


stagboy February 10 2006, 20:40:02 UTC
No, I meant the other brother. I think he might have a moustache.
*pauses and then adds*
Moustaches aren't inherently untrustworthy, you know.


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 21:05:34 UTC

*glances at James*
Aren't they?


favourite_son February 10 2006, 20:40:06 UTC
Oh. Oh oh oh. Why does it hurt so much? This is a good thing for Sirius! *clings embarrassingly*

*looks tired and even more pale than usual, his normally immaculate robes rather crumpled, his hair not quite as neat as it usually is*

*swallows hard, unable to look at Sirius, feeling sick just from the thought of him*


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 21:32:55 UTC

*stares at the wall opposite him, face blank and stiff, jaw clenched*


favourite_son February 10 2006, 21:46:43 UTC
*snuggles back unashamedly*

*eyes dart up to his brother, looking away quickly as a wave of nausea threatens to overcome him*

*sits very still, his eyes screwed shut until it dies down, fingers digging into the table top*


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 22:11:03 UTC

*pushes away his untouched plate, shoving a snarl of hair behind his ear*
*gets up suddenly without looking around him, gathering his things to leave*


batbogey_hex February 10 2006, 21:11:07 UTC


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 21:36:13 UTC
*blinks at her*

Ginny. Hello.
Hope you're doing well.


batbogey_hex February 10 2006, 21:38:49 UTC
*brows knit*
I'm fine.


Are you?


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 21:41:30 UTC

Alright, I suppose.
*pulls out a crumpled pack of cigarettes from his pocket*

Do you mind if I--?


_tartantabby_ February 10 2006, 21:40:49 UTC
*squishes Sirius and you hard*

*rereads the letter she has been sent a few times then argues with herself for awhile before she's calm enough to approach Sirius, though her face remains pale*
*tentatively but gently*
Mr. Bl- Sirius?
*lifts her chin slightly in preparation for his anger


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 21:59:13 UTC

*pauses, looks at her with flat eyes*
Yes? Professor?
*eyebrows knit a little as it registers that she's used his first name*


_tartantabby_ February 10 2006, 22:12:45 UTC
*glances at him, barely managing to keep her expression neutral, though her eyes are openly worried*
I am sor-

*shakes her head once, brows knitting, then she lets out a careful breath and speaks evenly*
I could use your help right now. My second years were a bit overenthusiastic with their lessons yesterday and managed to transfigure half of the items in my classroom into some variation of a teacup.


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 22:21:24 UTC
*doesn't blink at she speaks to him, just staring with not obvious reaction*

Wouldn't James be better to ask?


traced_snake February 10 2006, 22:19:44 UTC
What on earth did you do to be disowned?

Aww, Sirius. Mind, I usually don't have a soft spot for Sirius, but this is sad. *hugs him*


trickster_gryff February 10 2006, 22:25:48 UTC
*laughs humourlessly*

More about what I didn't do than did, if you see what I mean. Didn't get Sorted into Slytherin. Didn't go along with all the mindless Pureblood bullshit. That is more than enough to get you disowned in the Black family.

:) Aw. Thank you. And Sirius does appreciate the hugs.


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