Sunday Free for all

Mar 28, 2010 10:57

Today is the last day of free for alls before the EPIC QUARTERLY CHALLENGE (dun dun dunnnnnn).

A basic heads up on how the challenge works:

The entire week is going to be nothing but Lonely Prompt fills, because our lonely prompts are amazing and deserve awesome homes. We will have six winners of the week, one winner per day (Mon, Tues, Wed, etc), and the grand winner, who writes the most prompts over the course of the whole week.

The themes for this week will be:

Monday - Fandom Pioneers; the person who writes the most prompts in the oldest fandom (for example, the Bible is pretty old)
Tuesday - AU Fest; the person who writes the most AU!themed prompts
Wednesday - Cross Fandom Extraordinaire; the person who fills the most prompts in the most fandoms
Thursday - Character Harem Owner; the person who fills the most prompts using the most characters
Friday - Cross-over Master; the person who writes the most cross-over prompts

So get ready! But for now, welcome to your free for all

You know the drill, three prompts per fandom and five prompts per person, until one of your prompts is answered. Then you can post another. :D

And if nothing here suits your fancy, you can take a look at our Lonely Prompts.

And let the fun sexy times begin!
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