All right guys, to kick off our Quarterly Challenge, we are going to have an old school themed day. Whoever writes fills the most prompts in the oldest fandom will win today. So stretch your knowledge of history. Reach back for those classic prompts from fandoms like the Bible, or WWII, or the Civil War era. Hetalia doesn't count.
As always, make sure that you format your fills properly in deference to our lovely Codemonkeys. The filled prompt format is as follows:
Fandom, character/character/character, prompt, example: Harry Potter, Sirius/Lily, talking mirrors, And it would also be exceedingly helpful if you kept your comments to as few as possible, or even replied to your own comments to help organise things a bit.
Prompts by Genre:
Lonely: CrossoversLonely: ActionLonely: Japanese & Korean MediaLonely: ComedyLonely: ComicsLonely: CrimeLonely: DramaLonely: FantasyLonely: GamesLonely: HorrorLonely: Literature & PlaysLonely: MedicalLonely: MysteryLonely: MythologyLonely: RPF/SLonely: SciFiLonely: SportsLonely: Spy Go forth! Go forth and write some prompts! You know you want to :D