Friday: Free For All

Feb 12, 2010 01:23

Howdy, guys! It's friday again... and that means it's time for the weekend! And also, the Free for All. All fandoms, pairings, and prompts are acceptable today.

But please remember to follow our usual rules:

No more than 5 prompts in a row, no more than 3 prompts per fandom. If someone answers one of your prompts, you can prompt again.

No spoilers in your prompts for up to 1 week after the original air/publication date. If there's a spoiler in your answer, you need to warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.

Please remember to format your prompts correctly, for the sake of our beloved monkeys! For example:

CWRPS, Samantha Ferris/author's choices, singing These Boots Are Made For Walking on Rockband

Dogma/Supernatural, Metatron + Team Free Will, "Well, if that's what you wanted, all you had to do was ask. And Castiel, you certainly should have known better."

Don't like anything you're seeing today? Check out our lonely prompts.

Also! Don't forget this weekend is a Lonely Prompt Challenge! So stay tuned. :)

Happy writing!


prompts: free for all

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