Thursday - Love = 42 (words)

Aug 11, 2011 19:07

It's Thursday and I'm mustbethursday3, (I can't believe this is it, this week was fast) my final Theme is:

'Love = 42 (words)'

I guess the Theme could be taken one of two ways:

1) Write a drabble in 42 words.


2) Write 42 words of dialogue/a message (within a longer than 42 words ficlet).

The cool thing is 'love' can be shown between two characters/an entire team in ( Read more... )

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clwilson2006 August 11 2011, 12:48:44 UTC
SGA, Lorne/Parrish, Say it with flowers


Fill: "Speaking the Same Language", G ami_ven August 12 2011, 02:02:59 UTC
(technically, the message in this one is 42 words, collectively)

"David, I have something to tell you," said Lorne, but without another word, he pushed a bouquet of flowers into Parrish's hands.

It was certainly not the most pleasing arrangement the botanist had ever seen- it was a riot of colors and angles, different-length stems banded together with what looked a broken shoelace.

"What-?" he started to ask, but stopped when he spotted something.

Almond blossoms, not really the most common thing to put in a bouquet. In the old language of flowers they meant 'hope'.

Did that mean...? Parrish shifted the bouquet to the crook of his elbow so he could touch the tiny flowers with gentle figures. Even most botanists didn't know flower meanings- they were hardly science, after all- so surely, the major must have simply picked the flowers he could find.

But, he'd also said he had something to tell him, and he hadn't said anything else. Parrish glanced up at Lorne, whose face revealed nothing, then back at the bouquet ( ... )


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