Thursday - Love = 42 (words)

Aug 11, 2011 19:07

It's Thursday and I'm mustbethursday3, (I can't believe this is it, this week was fast) my final Theme is:

'Love = 42 (words)'

I guess the Theme could be taken one of two ways:

1) Write a drabble in 42 words.


2) Write 42 words of dialogue/a message (within a longer than 42 words ficlet).

The cool thing is 'love' can be shown between two characters/an entire team in ( Read more... )

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Comments 400

samueljames August 11 2011, 09:11:03 UTC
Firefly, Simon/Jayne, something that Inara overhears makes her smile.


daria234 August 11 2011, 14:28:15 UTC
"Where's Jayne?" Mal yelled at no one in particular.

"In Simon's room," River answered.

"What's he doing there, I need him to re-check the cargo before we land!" Mal said.

Inara paused as she walked by, wondering what Mal's reaction would be. He had made clear on any number of occasions that he didn't approve of relationships between crew, and Zoe might be bold enough to dismiss his words, but Jayne might be too scared and Simon might be too respectful of the captain who had done so much for them (and who didn't let people other than Zoe get away with much). She hoped River would make some excuse for Jayne to be there.

"He's sucking Simon's cock," River said, face all innocence.

Inara waited to hear what Mal would say, breath bated in anticipation of a typical Mal explosion of half rage and half sarcasm.

Mal grumbled, "Well, at least someone finally found a way to shut Jayne up for a few minutes."

Inara smiled and kept walking.


samueljames August 11 2011, 14:48:04 UTC
Thanks for this. Loved Mal's response being something nobody expected.


wolf_of_shadow August 13 2011, 12:01:18 UTC
ohh that is amazing.


mustbethursday3 August 11 2011, 09:11:07 UTC
Merlin, Arthur/Gwen, Last goodbye message.


zekkass August 11 2011, 09:11:15 UTC
Supernatural, Michael/Lucifer, brotherly love (or hate)


ravenspear August 11 2011, 09:19:57 UTC
In the end, it's not about humans, or even about God.

It's all about Michael and Lucifer, and how they betrayed each other.

How Lucifer didn't love Michael enough to not rock the boat; how Michael didn't love Lucifer enough to question.


mustbethursday3 August 11 2011, 09:28:47 UTC
Wow. 42 powerful words.

That's amazing :D


zekkass August 11 2011, 09:41:34 UTC
Mmm. I like this. Thank you. :3


ravenspear August 11 2011, 09:11:32 UTC
Supernatural; Lucifer/Raphael; I hate you, 'cause you're the one I love.


zekkass August 11 2011, 10:39:56 UTC
Lucifer kisses her with cold lips and holds her with cold hands and lets her bite him back.

Anger and hatred aren't emotions he dislikes, now, not when it means that he is inspiring something from his broken sibling, instead of nothing.


ravenspear August 11 2011, 10:58:33 UTC


zekkass August 11 2011, 10:59:07 UTC
<3 <3 <3


samueljames August 11 2011, 09:11:51 UTC
White Collar/Suits, Neal/Mike, a flirty e-mail.


daria234 August 11 2011, 12:27:57 UTC
FROM MIKE: Help! Boss says I need new suit. u r my fashionisto friend

FROM NEAL: go naked. boss will be mad impressed.

FROM MIKE: they might think i'm unprofessional :)

FROM NEAL: go naked but wear a hat. it's classy, i promise!!!


samueljames August 11 2011, 12:33:12 UTC
This made me laugh, it's such a Neal suggestion. Thank you.


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