Wednesday - Movies

Feb 04, 2009 05:58

Wow! Tuesday's Schmoop Theme was so fabulous! I just want to squish you all!

Today's theme is: Movies.When you leave a prompt you can give a title of a movie, specify a scene from a movie or give a line of dialogue. Then sit back and see what your authors come up with ( Read more... )

prompts: movie related

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badfalcon May 24 2009, 16:27:56 UTC
Christian's eyes widen and he shakes his head when the receptionist gives him the room key. His hands and voice trembling, he hands her the key back and asks for a different room. He can feel the confusion rolling off Steve in waves but chooses to ignore it. The receptionist apologises to him - that's the only room they've got free tonight and he can feel his stomach cramp. He takes a step backwards, walking into Steve and grabbing their bags from the floor at his feet ( ... )


havenward May 24 2009, 16:34:27 UTC
Eeep! :hides Chris and Steve from the ghosts:


honeyjojames May 24 2009, 17:23:56 UTC
*giggles* Oh dear, poor boys! ♥♥
Thank you! *smishes*


shannonrita May 24 2009, 23:18:23 UTC


justapieceofme May 25 2009, 01:52:40 UTC

(God, I love 1408. I'd been meaning to get to this one for awhile and you beat me to it. :D)


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