Looking for a Hybernation Companion.

Dec 04, 2009 11:00

I really, really, really hate November and December. Want to hear why? (No, you don't, because this constitutes Whining. But I need to vent, so bear with me ( Read more... )

winter depression

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Comments 22

eers December 4 2009, 11:09:13 UTC
Ah, hibernation sounds good. Winter depressions suck. I'm never depressed this time of year, though, cos my birthday is the 6th (OMG that's in two days EEK).

Wetness and cold and darkness and such sucks... but winter also has good things. Hot chocolate... and ice skating... and snow (before it goes all slushy and ew :P)... and sales in London :P ... and candles... and er... lots of other stuff. :P


comeshootwithme December 4 2009, 11:38:14 UTC
Baahhaa I appreciate your efforts, but I stick to my convictions: Winter Sucks. All of it. Although the London sales, WHICH I WILL PARTAKE OF IN A FEW WEEKS might ackshully cheer me up a bit.

And... hybernation is not spelled with a y? *fail* Oh well. I'll stick to it and say it's archaic.

BTW - my birthday is near the end of October, but that doesn't stop me from hating October/November/December :-)


eers December 4 2009, 11:43:50 UTC
Oh, I completely forgot! You're going to London! Yay! Can I be your luggage? No, wait. Still have essays to write. Bad idea. :P

And hibernate is with an i, yeah. But a y is fun too. Looks a bit like "hypernate", which could mean hyperactively hibernating. Or someone named Nate who's really loud. xD


comeshootwithme December 4 2009, 12:08:32 UTC
LOL- a friend of mine in America has a boy called Nate, and I'm sure he's a bit hyperactive occasionally - I'll email your "Hyper-Nate" to her! It's rather like Test-Kees. For trying out stuff.

Sure you can be my luggage! Only, on the way back, you'll have to hold about 20 books... haha.


mssnowy December 4 2009, 13:28:08 UTC
I do love some aspect of winter ( ... )


comeshootwithme December 4 2009, 14:01:21 UTC
It's amazing how many people dislike this time of year. I'm still toying with the idea to start a political party that will promote the idea of hibernation. I'm sure I'd get votes.

I'm spending Christmas with the parents of a good friend, which might actually be nice. And for New Year's, I'm off to London. So that bit will be ok. It's just all the other bits... urgh.


imnotacommittee December 4 2009, 13:43:12 UTC
Times like these make me wish I could go down to Australia or New Zealand for a few months. From January to April, maybe.

For what it's worth, think of May, and the incredible time we're going to have. And it will be warm.


comeshootwithme December 4 2009, 13:58:45 UTC
Owww yes I will move to Australia RIGHT NOW, thank you very much... That sounds like a brilliant idea.
Indeed I'm looking forward to May. Can't wait for spring to come for more than one reason this year!


london_fan December 4 2009, 19:16:26 UTC
Had a similar whining session a few days ago with my Gran. I just miss the sun so much (that coming from someone suffering from sun allergy). :/


comeshootwithme December 4 2009, 20:28:57 UTC
I do, too... I can imagine that even if you can't go out into the sun as much, the world still looks nicer if the sun is at least showing itself now and then. I feel like it's been dark&raining non-stop for two weeks. This is probably not quite true, but the feeling sucks anyway.

I shall now finish my drink and have an early night and feel much better tomorrow.


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