'Outcast' Thoughts

Feb 01, 2008 21:05

Okay, I'm aware that I never do things like this....but this episode totally deserves it.

1) Joe Flanigan, I love you. Seriously. Awesome acting that deserves tons more recognition.

2) Rodney, you're awesome, too. It's the thought that counts! The scene in John's quarters is so incredibly "I'm you're friend and I want to be there for you even if I ( Read more... )

awesomeness, sga, joe flanigan

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Comments 4

alternate0ego February 2 2008, 07:21:41 UTC
OMG, you are so totally right. I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! John - and Ronon - and Rodney - hell, even Bates - I LOVE THEM ALL!!! *squees*

It was so awesome. I am currently grinning like a lunatic, but OMFG. It was amazing. I loved it. *beams* It was a total prettiness and hottness overload. I think I nearly died. *fans self*


comanche_rider February 2 2008, 17:13:18 UTC
God, I never even liked Bates and I was so freggin' happy to see him. CONTINUITY! YAY!

And definitely prettiness overload. Through the whole thing I was sitting there gaping thinking "Hey, Joe, how'd you suddenly get even prettier?" The jeans pretty much broke my brain.

And the HAIR. OMG. I will die happy. XD


kimberlyfdr February 2 2008, 13:11:41 UTC
I covered alot of your points in my episode notes but I've just gotta say the writers are doing an amazing job this year. I commend all of them!


comanche_rider February 2 2008, 17:09:00 UTC
Indeed! And great job on being tons more coherent than I am. I had to get the basic things down before I had to watch it over again to remember everything. XD


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