'Outcast' Thoughts

Feb 01, 2008 21:05

Okay, I'm aware that I never do things like this....but this episode totally deserves it.

1) Joe Flanigan, I love you. Seriously. Awesome acting that deserves tons more recognition.

2) Rodney, you're awesome, too. It's the thought that counts! The scene in John's quarters is so incredibly "I'm you're friend and I want to be there for you even if I can't be". And again, Joe Flanigan's acting blows me away.

3) Ronon. "Where you going?" "With you." More team friendshippiness! Only thing...where the heck is Teyla?

4) John's a formerly rich, rebellious dude. Why does this not surprise me? And really, his brother Dave? Looks nothing like him, but is somehow totally plausible. Chemistry, people, this is chemistry!

5) John's ex-wife is actually refreshingly normal and not the bimbo-weirdo-fall-for-kirk lady I thought she was going to be. Go John, though, they totally don't fit together.

6) Eva? Not an astounding actress, but hey, she pulled it off pretty dang well. Annnd again, Joe Flanigan, being the hero who has redeemed my respect for (some) actors.

7) Love the build-up, and love the mystery of the whole thing. I was honestly surprised by the outcome, and that doesn't happen often! Also, love the way they dealt with the replicators. Atmosphere and virtual realities. I will now go back to worshipping at the altar of the SGA writers after rioting in the streets about 'Harmony'.

8) Pretty much just loved the whole episode. I'll probably actually download it when it comes out on Itunes.

EDIT: The second we get screencaps, I am getting a John + Shotgun icon. HOTNESS.

Fweeeeee, my faith is Stargate has returned! We must celebrate!

awesomeness, sga, joe flanigan

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