I just joined and really wanted to take part of this challenge, here is my participation to a challenge @
scifiland as Team Sidekick!! :)
> Why I ship Simon Tam with everyone!!!
+ 5 icons
Because they are so cute together and they are canon!!
I love their relationship, it's so sweet and it feels real. I can totally relate with Simon, the akwardness and shyness towards their obvious feelings! Love it!
And she clearly falls for him from the beginning, when she invited him aboard!
And more importantly, they have a Happy Ending! How many couples from Whedon can say so?!
I believe they are the only one with Victor/Sierra from Dollhouse! <3
Yes, I know they are brother & sister, so it's not the same and I agree but still I love their relationship!
They are everything for each other, Simon sacrificed everything to save her and he is the only one she trusts! They are the reason why they keep fighting, to keep the other one safe... and I just love that!
(too bad this part suffered of my lack of time, because I truly love them! Because I was drooling on the Simon/Mal part!)
Last but not least Simon/Mal! How I love these 2!
From the very beginning, they can't stand each other! They fights, run in the other one's personal space, eye sexing each other... But in the end, they established a sort of trust relationship... And well, on a more shallow reason, they're hot!!
And medical metaphors, people!
Simon never used his needles (or fists) on anyone this much!
And also: <3
Just because I felt like it! :)