Fic - "You May Be Right"

Sep 05, 2011 01:18

Title: You May Be Right
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Hal Stewart, Wayne Scott (Metro Man). Megamind.
Word Count: 3,718
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just an average weekday morning at Scott Manor.
Warnings: Crude language, sex-talk.
Notes: As promised/threatened, a sequel to You Never Can Tell! I can't get enough of these two guys who get each other ( Read more... )

fanfiction, megamind, character: hal stewart, character: metro man

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Comments 20

dani_kin September 5 2011, 20:23:11 UTC
Damn you colonel. You're gonna make me ship this. You're gonna make me ship this so hard. Not just because the first one was full of sexy tension, but because this one is so mellow and normal and not tense at all. *sigh* Fine. I give up and love this. I just give up.

//is off to suffocate some prey. Like a package of cookies.


colonel_bastard September 6 2011, 17:51:59 UTC
Yesssss, give in to the awesomeness that is this pairing. You cannot resist the epic bromance! :D

But seriously, I'm so happy to hear that they've won you over. I really wanted to write a relationship that's just drama-free, no-pressure, two-guys-who-get-each-other. I've been writing all these high-stakes dramatic trysts for so long! It's nice and cozy to write about these two and their average morning. ^_^

That's the spirit. You show those cookies who's boss!


dani_kin September 7 2011, 01:21:59 UTC
Well this is why I think this pairing is genius -- you can do tense and sexy, you can do bromantic and chill, you could do a chapter of high angst, a chapter of porn, a chapter of high-stakes action, and then follow it up with a chapter where they play Halo all afternoon.

This just might be the most flexible pairing ever. The whole concept is just so open and creative it almost begets more creativity.


colonel_bastard September 7 2011, 18:05:35 UTC
You know, that is one of my very favorite things about this pairing--- the versatility. And if you're feeling inspired, then please, by all means, help yourself! The more people creating fanworks for this pairing, the happier I shall be. :D


jentle55 September 5 2011, 22:49:59 UTC
*sighs blissfully after reading*

Colonel... You know what I'm gonna say dude. You know.

I can't thank you enough for this. After the weekend I've had, it's like a smoke after an eight hour shift with no break. Fucking heaven. I'm just gonna print this out, roll it and light it. I'm sure the awesome will transfer.

I've seen people talking about the reason for the glasses and the re-vamped character design for Hal. And I gotta say I love it. Mainly because it took me 19 years to realize I needed glasses too. Honestly just thought everyone saw the world the way I did. Never knew that trees had perceptibly different patterns of leaves on them until I was out of High School. Ridiculous. I feel a little closer to Hal and it feels good.

Keep up the good work as always.


colonel_bastard September 6 2011, 18:06:03 UTC
Aww man, this is just the BEST comment. Writing this fic felt exactly that good, and it's awesome to hear that I was able to transfer those good vibes. I'm sorry that you had a long weekend, but I'm SO glad that I was able to be your smoke break!

It's so funny you should mention that, because I justified Hal's late-glasses with the story of my aunt, who ALSO never knew about the leaves on the trees!! What a small world. And this sentence--- I feel a little closer to Hal and it feels good.--- completely made my day. I understand the feeling. I, too, feel close to Hal, and it's almost kind of inspiring; if a piece of work like him can find a Wayne to put up with him, then there's hope for me yet, haha. ^_^

*salutes* Aye-aye, Jentle! I shall carry on as ordered!


Pretend this is a week ago. yami_neko_tsuki September 11 2011, 10:08:42 UTC

The fic is wounderful (of course) but my brain is just stuck on "HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS UNTIL ALMOST A WEEK LATER? HOW?"

Seriously tho', it's wounderful and perfect and I hope there's gonna be more with 'em 'cause this is awesome to read.

....Oh man. I just realized. They can't go out anywhere for Christmas. Not that they would go out (don't really think they'd be into public displays of affection right now), but if they wanted to, they can't. I got the impression that Hal can't really leave the mansion legally and even then, groups of people seem to accent the negative a lot, Hal being Tighten probably outweighs Wayne being the richest man in Metro City in many minds which could make a night out pretty shitty. ....Guess it's a good thing his totally-not-boyfriend is hot?

...Apparently my brain wants angst. Shut up brain, the fluff is awesomer.


colonel_bastard September 11 2011, 16:53:55 UTC
Haha, I'm not sure how--- but I think a lot of people missed this one, actually. I posted it at a weird time (like 2:30am) and then there were a lot of new posts in the morning that pushed it back. Well! I'm quite glad you found it. ^_^

And I'm even gladder that you enjoyed it! Don't worry, there's LOTS more where this came from. ;D This pairing has completely consumed my brain.

Yeah, between Wayne's status as one of the Most Famous Men in Metro City and Hal's status as the Most Infamous, I don't think going out is really an option. Your brain needn't worry--- we're definitely going to be exploring the angst in future installments. Stay tuned!


lasersandspikes April 4 2012, 12:54:50 UTC
How on earth did I read your other Wayne/Hal fics and miss this one?!
Also; "to suffocate my prey"? Tears are still rolling down my cheeks from the laughing fit I had! You have him so dead on, it's actually scary.
I love your fics! =D


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