Title: Woe-Be-Gone
colonel_bastard Characters/Fandom: Fred Weasley, George Weasley, ensemble. Harry Potter.
Word Count: 2,929
Rating: PG
Summary: The Weasley Woe-Be-Gone can only be used once, and only when it is truly needed.
Warnings: Shamelessness. Total major spoilers for everything.
Notes: A gift for the lovely
Lily, from one old softie
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Comments 14
It totally does seem like something they would do, and yes, thank you for fixing canon for me. :D
Well, we got to talking about how Fred's death seemed to be the most unfair of all. Lily had this glorious vision of the boys pulling a Tom Sawyer on all of them, and not only did I love it, but I also wanted to really explore the in-character thought process that could lead to such a stunt. Once I figured it out, I had to write it all down!
I don't usually try to fix canon, but when I do, IT'S HARRY POTTER CANON fuck yeah. :D
Your writing gets better and better, which is not a small feat. This is better than Rowling (and I'm not just saying that because of the grudge I hold), and still it would fit right into the books. There is a perfect spot just for this. I wish we could tuck a copy of this into every copy of the last book, so everyone could feel the Woe-Be-Gone, too. God damn, this was so funny and appropriate and there was perfect tension, and a perfect payoff, and it was exquisitely touching.
This made me so happy. I don't even have words. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
The Speech was the very first thing I wrote. I worked backwards from there. Like the twins, I knew that it had to be perfect or the whole thing would fall on its face--- I'm thrilled to know that it worked so well!
It's funny, I hadn't even realized that the fic itself would function as a Woe-Be-Gone! What a lovely, lovely thought! I'm so honored. I really tried to match the tone of the books, so it's especially nice to hear that it could snuggle down in there and feel at home.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing. It means a lot, especially coming from an artist that I respect as much as you.
And you are so, so welcome! You've contributed so much beautiful art to so many fandoms I love, it's the least I can do to tag you back. If you ever have any other requests for something in a mutual fandom, feel free to drop me a line--- I love working from prompts!
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