Fic - A Collection of Comment Fics

Jun 30, 2011 01:05

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for so long. I had to move from Manhattan to Queens, and I had to do it by myself, so it took a considerable amount of time and effort. Quite frankly, I've felt a bit like a scrambled egg for the past month, but at last! The month is over, and I am moved. Hopefully writing can return to its usual schedule as soon ( Read more... )

the great mouse detective, character: erik lensherr, x-men first class, fanfiction, comment fics, character: ratigan, character: basil, character: charles xavier

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Comments 13

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colonel_bastard July 7 2011, 23:49:09 UTC
I've written a few more Charles/Erik pieces at comment_fic, and I'll be posting them here in my journal eventually. I hope to do some longer fics for them if I can find the time--- no unborn child will be necessary. XD

I'm also really glad to hear that you enjoyed the GMD stuff! Basil and Ratigan will always have a special place in my heart.

Thanks so much for your well-wishes! So far the new apartment and I seem to be getting along splendidly. ^_^


junosunderland June 30 2011, 18:05:23 UTC
I still haven't seen X Men First Class.

BUT JESUS FUCK YOU MAKE ME WANT TO SO DAMN BAD. Oh my gooood, I love the two fics you wrote <333333

And Ratigan! salknjdfaj;kdf;jlkgf I don't think I've ever encountered anyone who writes those two as well as you do X) Flamboyantly so! Good god that is my favorite thing about Ratigan. Evil is just so fabulous ;D

The emerald cuff links. NEW HEAD CANON.


colonel_bastard July 8 2011, 00:12:10 UTC


But I'm thrilled that you were able to enjoy the fics even out of context--- I must be doing something right. ;D

I really do miss writing for Ratigan, but I haven't left him behind entirely. Working with his character forced me to develop a knack for Victorian wordplay, and it's coming quite handy for my book! You'll surely see some Professor-worthy quips in the pages. ^_^

Basil's got style. He's just a bit more subtle than Ratigan. XD


rokusabarou June 30 2011, 19:34:04 UTC
Congrats on the move!


colonel_bastard July 7 2011, 23:49:49 UTC
Thanks so much! It was a bitch and a half getting it done, but now it's finally over with. :D


seiaa June 30 2011, 22:16:13 UTC
:D Congrats on the moooove~! <3<3

and fasdjlkf;ahsdfosidjf OMG you wrote Xmen first class holy crap I am in love omg write more of them please sometime holy crap you have melted my brain oh colonel I luv you never stop ever ever gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.




colonel_bastard July 7 2011, 23:53:02 UTC
Awwwww, thanks Seiaa! <333 You've got a spot on the guest bed if you ever make it up my way.

Ungh, how could I NOT write Charles/Erik--- there is way too much going on in that pairing that makes me happy in my special places. I SAW THE MOVIE TWICE ON TUESDAY ALONE. O___O

I missed you, too! And I miss fanfiction. I am sick and tired of all this RL business getting in the way of my fandom career. My public needs me! XDDD


seiaa July 8 2011, 00:24:06 UTC

omg Charles/Erik be still my heart. I need to go see it again. If it's still playing around me. Their man love. I need more of it. @_@


vejiicakes June 30 2011, 22:47:23 UTC
Ohhh, congrats on the move! Hope you took time to relax and give yourself a break before throwing yourself back into work ^_^;;

Mmph, still need to see Priest. It looks ghastly, but I'll see anything with Paul Bettany in it. day.

And sweet, First Class! I just got a friend into your writing (your epic Great Mouse Detective series in particular), and the moment I saw you'd written some Erik/Charles too, I was just like AKFJKSFJKH GO LOOK AT COLONEL'S LJ NAO!! So angsty too--you have a particular talent for actually breaking my heart. Oh post-divorce Xavier T_T Of course, loved the extra spicy number right under that ;D

*squeak* Ratigan/Basil!! So good to see those boys again. I love the idea of Ratigan's, ah, appreciation for fashion and Basil and fashionable Basil getting the best of him.. and Basil totally using it against him. (Ratigan's quite a few tallies behind now, isn't he? XD)

Yaay, thanks for sharing these with us!! :D


colonel_bastard July 8 2011, 00:06:20 UTC
I'm still taking that break, actually--- much-needed. I'm spending my week finishing the Harry Potter books for the first time. It's a fascinating experience. ^_^

Yeah, Priest is a truly hideous movie, but I knew I was doomed to see it from the first moment I saw Paul Bettany with a cross tattooed on his face. They didn't even have to advertise the movie to me, I was already sold. A friend saw the trailer with a friend and remarked, "The Colonel wants to see this movie." When asked if I had mentioned it, the friend explained, "No. But it has Paul Bettany playing a priest." TRUER WORDS = NEVER SPOKEN. XD ( ... )


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