Fic - "Abiding in the Light"

Jun 29, 2011 01:22

Title: Abiding in the Light
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus. The Boondock Saints.
Word Count: 1,658
Rating: R
Summary: Murph laughs when he cries hard enough; folks tend to die once someone's made Connor's brother cry hard enough.
Warnings: Saints-level violence, foul language, and some brotherly smooching.
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fanfiction, boondock saints

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Comments 4

niektete October 13 2011, 23:50:13 UTC
I just discovered your journal through some fortunate linking. And, o mai. You are officially my new favourite fanfic writer of all time. In all the ten years I've been reading fanfic, I don't think I've come across anyone who writes like this.

I hereby officially declare you a genius ^^


colonel_bastard December 7 2011, 04:58:29 UTC
Awwww, thank you so much! I shall wear the title with pride! ^___^


xenoamorist December 11 2011, 07:11:24 UTC
asdfaslkdgjas;gjalsjdfa;sdkfj So I just rewatched Boondock Saints because I had this sudden idea to write a Supernatural/Boondock Saints crossover, and I remember seeing you with Boondock Saints fic over at comment_fic, so I decided to check out your stuff after finishing up the movie.

GUH. The emotion at the end, omg. It's so heavy and tangible and it's like I can just reach out and feel it. And this line:

He kisses him, his mouth pressed hard against his brother’s, giving him his breath, his life, his promise. One day his wrists will bear the scars of his devotion, and then the world will get a chance to see the proof of a love that’s already broadcast unheard in every heartbeat, already written unseen on every inch of his skin.

So beautiful. I love it ♥♥♥


colonel_bastard December 14 2011, 03:51:59 UTC
Awww, I'm so happy that you felt compelled to come and read more of my work, and even happier that you liked what you found! These two characters have such an amazingly intense bond, and it's really great to hear that I was able to bring that across in the fic. I happen to believe that a MacManus kiss would be an event of time-stopping magnitude, so I'm particularly pleased to see you cite that moment as a favorite, haha.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


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