Fic - "Sunday Morning (That May Be All I Need)"

Jun 02, 2011 19:29

Title: Sunday Morning (That May Be All I Need)
Author: colonel_bastard
Characters/Fandom: Megamind, Roxanne, Metro "Wayne" Man. Megamind [dur].
Word Count: 1,034
Rating: PG
Summary: It turns out that Megamind is what might be described as a "vigorous dreamer."
Warnings: Fluff and nonsense. Implications of a healthy and stable three-way relationship, ( Read more... )

character: megamind, fanfiction, character: roxanne ritchi, megamind, character: metro man

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Comments 21

dani_kin June 3 2011, 02:27:37 UTC
This fic is sooo cute and they are all super sweet, especially adorkable little Megs. Here's to stable threesomes :-D


vejiicakes June 3 2011, 02:31:23 UTC
Yaaaay Colonel fic! :D This reminds me I gotta catch up on all your awesome writerly stuff now that I have some time again.

Always figured this would be the ideal balanced relationship for Megamind--Roxie and MetroMan fill such different and yet no less important parts of Megamind's life. I love that that's such a well established and understood facet of this threesome :)

Also loving MetroMan and Roxie tittering over Megamind flailing around like a sleeping puppy XD They're so comfortable around each other, which is delightful--I forget sometimes that they (Roxie and Metro) saw so much of each other, and everyone assuming they were a couple never seemed to make them awkward around each other, though not especially all that personally involved either. I like the idea of them becoming close enough friends/lovers to the point that they could be part of this stable, uniformly affectionate unit.

“Do you mean sex? Please tell me you mean sex.”



pinkyapple3 June 3 2011, 03:25:55 UTC
This may be my OT3 now... DAMMIT FANDOM!!


tripperfunster June 3 2011, 03:55:39 UTC

I don't normally like threesomes, but uh .. .yeah, I'd totes make an exception for these guyes.

Lovely as always hon! Loved Metz honking out of his nose!!


joanhello June 3 2011, 21:43:23 UTC
My thoughts exactly. I mean, this is the Colonel we're reading, the Lord of Lust, the Sultan of Slash, even if he's a she, which I'm not entirely sure about at this point, but in any case, a writer from whom we have come to expect First Class Naughty Stuff. Instead, we have First Class Fluff, proving that the Colonel writes it every bit as well as he writes the sexytimes. Fine ambition, finely achieved, but Colonel, there is going to be a second chapter, right?


tripperfunster June 4 2011, 00:48:38 UTC
:D From what I understand, she's working on a couple of other things right now.

Things that PROMISE to be much smuttier. :D


junosunderland June 3 2011, 09:20:44 UTC
Eeeeeee That was so cute! Oh I love this, it was the perfect length <3

Nice take on the threesome angle <3 And oh dear god if Megamind isn't the cutest sleeper ever XDDD


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