Daniel Picspam Part 2

Nov 12, 2007 18:20

It's Part 2 of my Geeky!Long-haired!Daniel Picspam (in which there is much Wet!Daniel). Part 1 is here

24 pictures behind the cut

Wet!Daniel is a good Daniel

Aww, he dried off >.< *Throws a bucket of water over Daniel* *whistles innocently*

Hehe... dorky looking helmet is back

Mmmm... *licks*

*sigh* He even makes reading a book look good

Wonder what he's day dreaming about? (This needs picture needs a caption)


Two Daniels! *is distracted*

There will most definitely be a part 3, and maybe even a part 4 if I collect this many caps for season 2 (which is very likely).

In NaNo news: 17,718. eek! I'm behind *panics*

picspam, sg-1

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