Chuck picspam!

Nov 21, 2007 18:31

It's cold and wet, I'm miserable, tired, have a massive pile of homework to do, and my NaNo prospects are looking very bleak.

So I thought I'd spread a bit of mid-week cheer with a Chuck picspam... or as I like to call it... a CHUCKSPAM! Because really, who doesn't love Chuck? If you just answered with 'me' then you can stop reading now and go make yourself a cup of tea, because you're just wasting your time here. But for those of us who do love Chuck... HERE IS A PICSPAM

19 pictures behind the cut. There are a few caps from season 4 but they aren't spoilery in the least.

Ok.. now is it just me, or does his hair look ruffled??

Whee! Chuck closeup!

Ack, it was so hard to find varying caps for Chuck, because 80% of the time he has this look on his face. I kid you not, go look for yourselves.

And finally... HAPPY CHUCK! (Great, now I'm seeing them everywhere.. I swear.. he has a hint of DIMPLES!)

And know I am going to go and try to revise for maths *pulls out calculator* ... *stares at questions* ...... >.< wish me luck.

picspam, sga

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