McKay's orange fleece picspam!

Dec 01, 2007 18:39

>.> Everyone's all... flaily about Miller's Crossing. I WANT IT NOW! *waits*

So while I wait... I has a picspam! But first- PIMPING


Because really, who doesn't enjoy a bit of Rodney and his orange fleece?

And now, my contribution to the comm- A PICSPAM!

63 pictures behind the cut, so TOTALLY NOT dial-up friendly.

Yes, even from the back, the fleece is wonderful!

Good GOD! Take a look at those shoulders!

*giggles* I had to include this because the look on his face makes me laugh XD I wonder what he's thinking...

Oh noes!

He looks so smug! Also.. the look on Elizabeth's face.. XD

Aaaaand, we all know what come's next!


Feel free to snag to make icons, graphics, print out and draw little hearts around... O.o... whatever really. The wonder of the fleece must be shared!

picspam, sga

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