Thirty Minute Kisses

Jan 06, 2009 16:44

Title: Thirty Minute Kisses
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 551
Summary: Jared and Jensen are skirting around each other after their first date.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for annellaRead more... )

wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, verse: five kisses, gift!fic, rating: pg

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Comments 5

bisavalon January 13 2009, 16:29:52 UTC
Another amazing fic.


enablelove January 13 2009, 17:44:03 UTC
Aww thanks!


spoonlessone February 11 2009, 06:41:04 UTC
More schmoopy goodness. :D


enablelove February 11 2009, 13:06:59 UTC
\0/ schmoop is teh love :D


(The comment has been removed)

enablelove November 1 2009, 00:46:02 UTC
Hee schmoop is love!


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