Thirty Minute Kisses

Jan 06, 2009 16:44

Title: Thirty Minute Kisses
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unapologetic Schmoop.
Word Count: 551
Summary: Jared and Jensen are skirting around each other after their first date.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren’t mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn’t true, probably.
A/N: This is for annella because ILY. This is also for benitle and clubintheky because they’re pretty much amazing and keep me sane.
This is part of the Five Times Jared Couldn't Resist Kissing Jensen 'verse after their first date. Reading that isn't necessary :)

They saw each other on set the next day and things were awkward and stilted. They danced around each other, aware of the sparks flying between them, but not acting on it. There was tons of blushing going on from both Jared and Jensen, the flush of cheeks and the not meeting of eyes. It’s like they’ve reverted back into teenagers with their first crush. And while it may have look absolutely adorable on Jensen, it probably didn't look as adorable on Jared.

Kim got irritated when Dean and Sam have to brush against each other and both of them kept blushing and shying away from the touches. He finally got fed up with it.

“Go kiss or something. But be back here in 30 minutes to do the damn scene right!”

That made another gorgeous flush appear on Jensen’s cheeks and Jared couldn’t resist but bend over and whisper in Jensen’s ear, “I think he’s right Jen. Your trailer or mine?”

Jensen just looked at him a little open mouthed but nodded and led the way to his trailer. Jared couldn’t wait to get a taste of that amazing mouth again. Last night was definitely not a long enough kiss. He barely got to feel that mouth moving against his. He only got a teasing taste of Jensen and he wanted more. So much more.

Jared was really starting to like this side of Jensen. As soon as they got inside Jensen’s trailer, Jensen pushed him against the wall, beside the closed door and leaned up to kiss him. It wasn’t a rushed kiss, full of passion and lust. It was soft and languid, but filled with heat and affection.

Jared could spend all day mapping that mouth with his tongue. Tracing over those full lips, learning every single dip and curve.

He brought his hands up to cup Jensen’s face at the same time as Jensen tangled his fingers in Jared’s locks.

“Don’t mess up the hair. Jeanie’s going to kill me. Well, and you, I guess,” Jared murmured between kisses.

Jensen slowly unclenched his fingers and just held them in Jared’s hair,
“Fine, but later, I am messing with it,” he promised and Jared couldn’t help the thrill that ran through him at Jensen’s words. There was going to be a next time. Many next times hopefully. They continued to kiss, alternating between slow and fast, adding in some nibbles for a change of pace.

A knock at Jensen’s trailer door made them freeze,

“Five minutes!” the PA hollered through the door.

“Yeah, ok. Thanks,” Jared hollered back. Jensen looked up at him and Jared couldn’t remember the last time he had seen such a breathtaking sight. Jensen’s cheeks were pink and flushed and warm, the tips of his ears were red, his eyes were hazy, and his lips were even fuller than normal. They were red and Jensen was biting them and Jared just wanted to lean down and kiss him all over again.

He brushed a chaste lip against those lips and then whispered, “Tonight. My house. Date number two. I’ll make dinner,” into Jensen’s ear.

Jensen shook his head a little, “We’ll make dinner,” and reached up to sweep a soft kiss against Jared’s cheek before pulling the door open and walking out.

Yeah, they’d make dinner together.

Remember, comments are ♥!

Oh I've missed my schmoop

wc: 500-999, type: schmoop, verse: five kisses, gift!fic, rating: pg

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