Wishes Do Come True [R] J2

Mar 01, 2009 00:31

Title: Wishes Do Come True
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: R
Warnings: Mentions of sex. Unapologetic SCHMOOP.
Word Count: 3074
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: It’s Jensen’s birthday and Jared gets him some presents.
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren't mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn't true, probably.
A/N: This is for Jensen’s birthday. And I wish all this was true, but alas life doesn’t work like that. This is also dedicated to my lovely flist for their awesome ideas. ♥

Intense heat travels up Jensen’s body as he feels Jared’s mouth on his cock. Warm and wet and perfect. Jared alternates between licking up and down his shaft and sucking it in deep in his mouth. Jensen’s hand trails down his naked body, pinching at his nipples, down to his boxers when he realizes he’s naked. And that dream Jared is real Jared. His eyes fly open and he lifts up a little to look down. He sees Jared taking him in and then back out and Jared looks up at him through his eyelashes, managing a smirk even with a mouthful of dick. Only Jared would be able to make that seem sexy.

His head flops back down on the pillow and his hand grasps at Jared’s unruly mop of hair. Jared starts going at it even more excitedly, humming a little, and Jensen arches off the bed but Jared’s hands hold his hips down and that just makes him all the more hotter. A few more in and out motions and Jensen’s hand tightens in Jared’s hair to warn him but Jared just sucks the head into his mouth and Jensen is done and he comes in Jared’s mouth. Jared just swallows it all except for a little on the side of his mouth that Jensen wipes with his finger before licking it himself. Jared’s eyes go even darker at that and Jensen shivers at the heat in his eyes. He pulls Jared up and kisses him, not minding the morning breath mixed with the taste of his own come.

“Mmmm…good morning,” Jared says.

“And what a good morning it is. Not that I mind, but what brought that on?” Jensen asks.

Jared just looks at him like Jensen should know. Jensen thinks about it, but he doesn’t think he’s missed their anniversary or anything,

“Sunday?” he asks, shrugging, because he has no idea.

Jared rolls his eyes,

“Only you would forget. You don’t want to remember you’re getting old right? Can’t keep the days in order?” Jared teases, eyes sparkling with mirth.

Jensen groans. How could he have forgotten his own birthday? His own 31st birthday. Damn, he really is getting old.

Jared just grins and leans down to kiss him again, a short kiss this time, and leans back while making a face.

“We really need to brush dude.”

Jensen laughs and cuddles in under the covers shaking his head. He knows he probably looks like a pouting four year old, but it’s Sunday and they’re off and all he wants to do is sleep. Preferably with Jared, but he’ll forego Jared if he can just get some sleep.

Jared kisses his pout away and says,

“Fine. One hour. Then I’ll wake you up. Only because you’re an old man and I’m the best boyfriend ever.”

Jensen rolls his eyes but he’ll take what he can get. Jared climbs off of him and Jensen falls asleep enveloped in the warm comforter and sheets and Jared’s scent. What seems like only a couple minutes later he smells the most heavenly scent ever - freshly brewed espresso with a hint of vanilla. He has to get up for that, no matter how enticing the bed is. The promise of coffee, hot and perfect, is way more tempting.

He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and runs a hand through his hair before throwing the covers off. He grabs his boxers and puts them on before putting his feet into his fuzzy slippers that Jared got him for Christmas. They are pink bunnies and though at the time Jensen had looked at Jared like he was insane, they’re ridiculously comfortable and protect his feet from the cold tile. They’re adorable too, but Jensen’s not going to let Jared know of that little fact.

He brushes his teeth quickly in the bathroom before walking down the stairs, following his nose into the kitchen. Jared is standing there waiting for him, leaning against the countertop. He looks over Jared’s lean body, clothed in only pajama bottoms, tan and lithe and gorgeous and it’s a beautiful sight - Jared with a cup of coffee for him. He feels a smile creep up on his face and Jared smiles back, like he knows exactly what Jensen is thinking.

He walks toward Jared and reaches up to kiss him before taking his favorite Mavericks mug and inhaling deep. It smells even more amazing and when he takes a sip, it tastes even better. Jared is just watching him with a fond look because he knows how much Jensen loves his coffee. Jared steps away from the counter and waves a hand like a showcase girl at the gleaming silver behind him. Jensen’s mouth opens in shock. It’s that gorgeous espresso machine that Jensen’s been coveting for a while now. His old one broke a little while ago and he’s been meaning to buy a new one, really, he’s just been too lazy. He looks to Jared to try to tell him that it’s too much and he shouldn’t have, but Jared, the mind reader, just kisses him and whispers,

“Happy birthday Jen.”

Jensen can’t help but carefully put his coffee down on the counter and stretch just a little to capture Jared’s lips in a kiss that says it all - thank you, you’re amazing, I love you.

Jared breaks the kiss and says something about breakfast and Jensen just relaxing so Jensen grabs his coffee and sits at the kitchen table, watching Jared as he putters around, breaking eggs and flipping pancakes and putting bacon in the pan. He looks so domestic that it’s kind of adorable. Jared glances over his shoulder at Jensen and sends him a smile and Jensen’s breath catches. Jensen knows he wants this, them, for as long as he can have it.

He shakes his head of his sappy thoughts and grins back,

“You make such a pretty housewife Padalecki.”

Jared just laughs,

“Asshole, see if I ever cook for you again.”

Jensen knows he will though, he always does.

Jared puts all the food on the table and sits across from Jensen and they dig in. It tastes amazing as always; Jared definitely makes a mean breakfast. He tells Jared as much and watches as Jared flushes prettily, muttering how it’s nothing.

They finish up, talking about this and that - Megan’s hunt for a job and Mackenzie’s new boyfriend and Josh and Jeff’s new kids and how awesome it is being an uncle.

They stand next to each other washing the dishes and it’s comfortable, Jared washing and Jensen drying. Jared bumps his hip against Jensen’s,

“What are you thinking about, Gramps?”

Jensen glares at him, but bumps him too,

“Nothin’. So what are our plans for today, Junior?”

Jared chuckles,

“Hmmm…I’m thinkin’ some more birthday sex, a few more presents, and then we can go to Morton’s for dinner.”

Jensen loves that first part a lot. And then his mind catches up with the rest,

“Wait. Presents? Jay, you already got me the machine and that blowjob was a such an awesome gift too.”

Jared just waves him off,

“Your birthday happens only once a year. Just accept it ok? Let me dote on you. I except the same and more for my birthday.”

Jensen sighs and laughs but he nods in defeat because Jared Padalecki is one stubborn man. They finish and wipe their hands and Jared crowds him against the counter and kisses him languidly, one hand coming to cradle Jensen’s head and the other resting at the small of his back. Jensen should be pissed that Jared can tower over him so much and make him feel like such a girl, but he only feels cherished. Jared leans back and licks his lips and Jensen’s eyes track the movement and Jared grins.

He walks over to their medicine cabinet and takes out a box. He hands it to Jensen and says gravely,

“In case you need it. I know you’re getting old Jen. I understand completely.”

Jensen looks down at the box of Viagra and his eyes widen. He chucks the box at Jared, aiming for that smirk,

“You suck.”

Jared nods.

“I do. Wanna see how?”

His eyes twinkle and he grabs Jensen’s hand and leads them both upstairs,

“Ready for some of that sex, birthday boy?”

“I don’t know. I may not be up for it.” Jensen quips as they tumble onto the bed.

Jared sees Jensen’s cock hardening and he presses his hand against his cloth-covered erection,

“I don’t see a problem.” Jared says.

Jensen’s totally going to get Jared back for the Viagra thing, but for now he just impatiently takes off Jared’s pajamas and then his own boxers fast as lightening.

“Eager aren’t we?” Jared says, laughing at him.

Jensen bends down to take Jared’s cock into his mouth and Jared shuts up pretty fast, gasping instead.


Afterward, they lie sated, Jensen stroking the arm that Jared’s got laid across his waist, content. Jared nuzzles his throat, dropping light kisses there, and Jensen tilts his head to give him more access. Jared reaches behind him to grab something from his bedside drawer and deposits the item in front of Jensen. It’s a book, a mini book. Jensen picks it up and laughs out loud because it says ‘Jensen’s Book of Coupons: What Jensen Wants, Jared Will Do.’

“That’s a really long title Jay,” he says. “You compensating?”

Jared half-heartedly slaps at Jensen, “Shut up. I’ll take it back. And you of all people know I don’t need to compensate.”

Jensen knows he won’t, but he stops laughing anyway, because it’s actually kind of sweet. And yeah, Jared definitely has no need to compensate. Jensen flips through the book, smiling at a couple like This coupon entitles the bearer to: One foot massage and This coupon entitles the bearer to: One laundry-free night and This coupon entitles the bearer to: A free chance to pick a movie of their choice even though their choice sucks with no complaint. He hits Jared again for that one but Jared just pouts at him and Jensen drops a chaste kiss on his lips.

He looks back down and sees that there are the ones that make Jensen’s cock twitch such as This coupon entitles the bearer to: A night of rimming and This coupon entitles the bearer to: One free blowjob and This coupon entitles the bearer to: A free ‘ride’ and tons more. He turns around in Jared’s arm and sees the hopeful expression on Jared’s face. The gift is campy as hell, but it’s perfect. He leans up to kiss Jared softly.

“Thanks Jared. I love it.”

Jared smiles the bright smile that Jensen loves so much and kisses him,

“Want to try some out?” He asks, waggling his eyebrows. Jensen flips through his book again and stops at one, tearing it out and then showing it to Jared. Jared looks down at it and his eyes widen.

“Me or you?”

Jensen thinks about it.

“You. At my mercy.”

Jared nods, trembling a little and reaches into his drawer again, pulling out a silky navy blue tie.

“Been planning this Jay?”

Jared blushes and shrugs,


Jensen shivers at that. Jared thinking about this, thinking about Jensen tying him up and at his mercy. Jensen doing whatever he wants to him, teasing the hell out of Jared.

He ties Jared’s hands together above his head, loose enough that he could get out of the hold if he really wanted, and he leans back on his haunches to look at the gorgeous sight. Miles of tan skin to kiss and touch and tease. It’s definitely the best gift ever. The coupon falls off the side of the bed as Jensen starts with Jared’s nipples.

This coupon entitles the bearer to: Some light bondage


After a light nap, they wake up and go to the shower. It’s already six and their reservation is at seven, Jared says. Jensen is escorted to the shower and Jared washes him with that fruity scent he uses and Jared shampoos his hair too. Jensen trails his hands over a wet Jared because no man can resist that, but Jared shakes his head no and takes Jensen’s hands off him. Jensen juts his lip out and frowns in return and Jared just kisses him and says between kisses,

“Not now, we’re going to be late.”

Jensen rolls his eyes but lets Jared wash him and then himself, though he does his best to interfere. They turn off the shower and Jared towels Jensen dry, wrapping the towel around his waist before toweling himself off. Jensen goes to the closet and picks some nice slacks as well as his black button down. He slips on his slacks and is about to pull on the button down when Jared throws a wrapped package at Jensen. Jensen looks at it and then at Jared.

“You do know that I’m not actually a girl?”

Jared rolls his eyes, and pointedly looks at the package. Jensen sighs and picks it up, unwrapping it to reveal a soft black cashmere sweater that feels amazing under his fingertips. He looks over at Jared,

“Want me to look pretty for you Jared? All dolled up?”

“Ass.” Jared retorts.

Jensen just laughs.

“I’m kidding. Thank you Jay, I love it.”

Jared nods and smiles, flushing just a little. Jared starts to change and Jensen pulls on the sweater, which feels even more awesome against his chest and arms. He walks over to where Jared is buttoning up his shirt and reaches up to kiss the back of Jared’s neck. Jared turns around in his arms and looks down at him, trailing his fingers along Jensen’s shoulder and chest and making Jensen shiver at the touch.

“It’s soft. Feels nice.” Jared says and Jensen agrees, though whether he’s talking about the sweater or Jared’s fingers, he’s not too sure.

Jared’s wearing nice slacks as well along with a white button down with the necessary pink stripes but he looks amazing. The white and pink contrasts with his tan skin and Jensen’s all for staying in. He says as much but Jared just tells him to get in the car and starts locking up.

They drive to Morton’s and before Jensen can get out of the car, Jared reaches into the backseat and pulls out a box. He blushes when he hands it to Jensen and Jensen raises his eyebrow.

“Don’t mock me ok? I know it’s kinda, ok very, cheesy, but…” He trails off and shrugs and Jensen is intrigued. He opens the lid and find pictures of the both of them, Supernatural memorabilia, movie tickets that they went to together, Jason’s mask as well as a box of chocolates that has a fake bloody heart, a script of the pilot episode, and a picture of their families together at Christmas and Thanksgiving. There’s even a picture of the nameplate of their house: Padalecki-Ackles.

Jensen feels tears well up, but he’s so not a girl and he just leans over to kiss Jared, trying to convey how much the box means without saying a word. He thinks Jared understands by the way he responds, kissing him back slowly. Tongues meeting and sliding over each other. Jensen sits back in his seat and just looks at the box again. Yeah it’s cheesy, but it’s Jared and that makes it okay. He puts the lid back on and glances at Jared.

“Ready to go?”

His voice is a bit hoarse and Jared nods, taking his hand and kissing the knuckles before opening his door and getting out. Jensen takes a deep breath and gets out as well. Jared locks the car and they walk side by side to the door, nudging each other every now and then. They go in and are seated at their usual table, a bit secluded from the others.

They sit down, feet brushing and eat their normal dinner - thick and juicy steaks with some delicious merlot and sides of mashed potatoes and salad. They talk about random things and tomorrows shooting and other nonsense. Jensen is stuffed, unable to even finish his potatoes.

“Dessert?” Jared asks and even though Jensen is full, he has space for a bite or two of Morton’s amazing chocolate cake.

“Just a little, is that ok?”

Jared nods,

“We can share?”

Jensen agrees and Jared signals to the waiter who nods and goes to the back. Jensen raises his eyebrow in silent question but Jared just shrugs, a secret smile on his face.

The cake is placed in the middle of the table with one lit candle. The waiter thankfully doesn’t sing Happy Birthday or anything else because that would be just embarrassing, and Jared knows him well enough to know that he wouldn’t want that. The waiter just bows and goes somewhere else, presumably his other patrons.

Jared nods his head at the candle,

“Make a wish, Jen.”

Jensen does, even though he’s not sure if they come true. Please let this be forever, he wishes, not caring how sappy his wish is and he blows the flickering candle out.

Jared takes the candle and drags it off the cake. Jensen wonders why he’s doing that rather than just picking it off but he hears a clink as the candle is taken off. Candles don’t clink though. He spies a round silver thing on the plate and inadvertently gasps. Jared picks it up and puts it Jensen’s mouth for him to lick. Jensen does automatically, brushing Jared’s fingers with his tongue in the process. He’s in a state of shock, unable to process what’s going on. Jared picks up Jensen’s left hand and holds the ring there, not yet putting it on.

“I love you Jen, and I want this forever. You and me like this. Us. Jensen Ackles, will you marry me?”

It’s not the best proposal ever, but it’s Jared. It doesn’t have to be. It’s perfect for him though.

Jensen is speechless, unable to even say yes because his throat is clogged up. So he just nods and Jared sends him that megawatt smile that’s reserved for only him and he slides the ring down Jensen’s finger, kissing it when it’s on properly.

Jensen guesses wishes do come true after all.

rating: r, type: schmoop, birthday fic, wc: 3000-4999, type: porn

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