All We Can Do Is Keep Breathing [PG-13]

Feb 25, 2009 16:12

Title: All We Can Do Is Keep Breathing
Author: hd_obsession
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: There is an OMC involved. AU
Word Count: 5411
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Danneel, Jared/OMC
Summary: Jensen, Jared’s best friend, is getting married, and Jared doesn’t think he’s ready for that. What is he willing to go through to make Jensen his?
Disclaimer: These gorgeous boys aren't mine, no matter how much I wish they were. They belong to themselves and each other and this isn't true, probably.
A/N: This is for whenboymeetsboy and I remixed the movie My Best Friend’s Wedding. Thank you to mnemosime for the beta-ing and the title. Thanks honey, this fic is what it is thanks to you! Thank you to clubinthesky for reading this whenever I was freaking out and giving me amazing ideas and just generally being you. Thank you to my amazing flist for always supporting me and telling me this would be good. I love you all.

"I'm getting married!" Jensen exclaims from the other end of the phone.

Married? Jesus. Jared clutches the phone in shock and leans to sit down on the bed. He miscalculates, though, and falls flat on his ass, dropping the phone and letting out a little yelp. Not pain, just surprise.

"Jay?" comes a voice from the phone. Right. Jensen.

He picks the phone back up, "Married? I didn't even know you were in a relationship, Jensen!"

Jensen laughs lightly on the other end. "Yeah, I know. It's been crazy, and sorry I didn't tell you before, but you're the first to know on my end. That means something right? I just... man, Danneel is awesome. Gorgeous and sexy and smart."

Danneel, Jared thinks. He rolls the name on his tongue. The name is different, but she sounds okay. Still, Jensen is getting married?

"So when are you tying the knot, Jen?" Jared asks. He can practically see the smile on Jensen's face, his eyes bright. "In a week, man. I know, I know, before you say anything. It’s very short notice. But it was sudden and I want this, Jared." Jensen's voice has gone soft, and Jared feels an ache in his gut.

"So you're coming right? You'll be here soon? I need you here, man. I need my best friend."

Of course, Jared can't refuse - it's Jensen. "Yeah, man, I'll be there in a day or two."

"Awesome! Okay, I gotta run but I'll see you soon, Jay. Bye," Jensen says.

"Bye," Jared replies and hangs up. He walks out of the bedroom and down the hall to knock on Mark’s door. Mark opens the door, eyes bleary and hair all over the place. Any other time and Jared would have laughed, but he feels all out of sorts since the news. Mark takes one look at his face and says, "Give me 5 minutes." Jared just nods and walks towards the living room, pacing back and forth in front of the sofa. He has no reason to be upset, of course, he's just being an idiot.

Mark comes to the living room while Jared is still pacing. Jared can see him shake his head a little before he comes to a standstill right in front of Jared and stops him with his hand.

"Sit. And tell me what's goin' on. Man, I haven't seen you like this since your last breakup!" That makes Jared laugh a little because this is nothing like that.

Jared sits down and puts his head in his hands, unable to explain to Mark how much of an idiot he is. He's never really told Mark about Jensen, because there's nothing to tell. Mark knows Jared has this best friend in Vancouver that calls every once in a while, but that's pretty much it. Mark is his best friend here in LA, though, and they both became close really fast.

Mark is sitting there waiting. He nudges Jared with his shoulder. "C'mon, man, spill." And Jared does.

He tells Mark how he's known Jensen since they were practically in diapers. They grew up together and know everything about each other. They have always been best friends, as have their families. Jared doesn't have much family left, but Jensen's family has always been like his own, anyway. Jared and Jensen did everything together, from classes to football to theater to even liking the same girl. They both got over that quick enough, because no girl could separate the force that was Jared’n’Jensen. They were attached at the hip and rarely got sick of each other. They both learned they were bi together and because they had nobody else, they both experimented with each other at the age of 17 (Jared) and 18 (Jensen). It was natural, and easy, and hot. He omitted what they did and didn't do for Mark's benefit because, though the guy was cool with it, he probably didn't want to hear about it.

They were together for a few months but both had to go their separate ways because they were going to different colleges, so it just didn't work out. It wasn't love; it couldn't be, not at their young age. They stayed best friends through it all because they knew that their friendship was strong enough to overcome that, and it did. Jared and Jensen still talked and visited whenever they got a chance, though it had definitely been a while since the last time.

"I just can't believe he's getting married, man," Jared finishes. "Jensen. He never really dated much, always a loner. I thought that I'd be married way before him."

"But you’re not," Mark says.

"No," Jared agrees, "I'm not. It's just... Jensen. I'm not going to be able to call him any time now to talk about the most random crap. He's going to be busy all the time with his wife and stuff. I mean, I'm happy for him, because he deserves that, but it's Jensen. I guess I always thought he'd just be there, you know?"

Mark is silent and Jared looks over and him and sees that Mark has this speculative gleam in his eyes. Jared raises his eyebrow at him and Mark starts to talk.

"Why should Jensen always be there for you? Why should he be waiting?"

"What?" Jared's confused. What should Jensen be waiting for? And then it suddenly dawns on him and his eyes widen.

"I'm not. Mark, I can't be!"

Mark just keeps looking at him. "You are, Jared; you're in love with Jensen. You always have been, you just never realized it."

Out in the open like that, it sounds a lot more real. Jared's in love with Jensen. Jared had always assumed that Jensen would be there. In the back of his mind, he always knew that nobody could ever really measure up to his best friend. The scrawny kid in elementary school that filled out in high school and had all the girls chasing him. The kid that always hung out with Jared even though Jared didn't like school very much. He was smart, just bored of school and all of its drama. Jensen was the guy that Jared had always depended on, and the one he had always thought would just be there.

Mark is still just sitting there, a tiny smirk playing about his lips like he knows exactly what Jared is thinking and what an idiot Jared is for not realizing the tiny fact that he is in love with his best friend. Jared gets up and moves toward his room. He has to get Jensen back, one way or another.

"Jared? Where are you going?"

Jared looks back over his shoulder and smiles. "To Vancouver. I have a wedding to crash." Mark just laughs and helps him gather his stuff so he can catch the first flight out. Jared is truly lucky to have Mark.


Jared hates Vancouver. Hate is a strong word, but he does strongly dislike it. It is way too cold and dreary, and he can't understand how Jensen can live here, hence why Jared doesn't visit much. He's a Texas boy and Los Angeles is close enough because it's rarely cold and the sun is out all the time. Jared can pretty much walk around in his slippers and be totally fine. He loves the feeling of freedom that his toes get instead of being constricted in shoes. And, Vancouver? You definitely need shoes. Confining and restricting shoes.

And, Jensen, the idiot, feels the need to live all the way in Vancouver, hiding out like a hermit in the frigid cold and writing his stupid books. Okay, they're not stupid - they're actually pretty awesome. He writes mystery novels with a hint of science fiction in them and, every time a new book comes out, it's an instant bestseller. They deserve to be at the top of all the lists, and Jared isn't just saying that because Jensen's his best friend. Jensen pours his heart and soul into his books, and you can easily tell that when you read one of them.

Jared finally arrives at Jensen's place and knocks on the door a couple of times. The door is opened and Jared is met with someone who can only assume is Danneel . She's really pretty and actually just Jensen's type. Tall, gorgeous curves, bright eyes, long auburn hair, and a really pretty smile. She squeaks just a little bit and Jared is taken aback at the noise. But then, she shakes her head a little mentally, and steps back to let Jared in. As soon as the door is closed, she puts her hand out for Jared to shake. Jared does, a bit bemusedly and is immediately pulled into a hug. If Jared wasn't out to break them up, he'd really like Danneel, because that's exactly what he would do.

"Hi! I'm Danneel, as you've probably guessed. I'm so excited to finally meet you, Jensen talks about you all the time!"

Jared leans back from the hug and smiles a bit, because it's kind of impossible not to, "Hey. I'm Jared, as you know. Jensen has, unfortunately, not talked about you at all. And I hope he's said all good things?"

He hears a snort coming from the living room and glances over to see Jensen leaning against the wall. How had Jared not realized how gorgeous Jensen was? He pushes himself off against the wall and envelops Jared in a hug and Jared just hold on, taking in Jensen's cologne and his warmth. He's missed Jensen, dammit. Missed the sarcasm, the wit, the dry sense of humor, the pranks, and the overall contentment that washes over him when Jensen is by his side. He really has been blind all these years not to realize what was right in front of him.

"Hey, Jay," Jensen says as he leans away from the hug, his smile bright and happy, eye crinkles on full display.

"Hey, Jen. Guess congratulations are in order?"

Jensen blushes a little bit -Jared does not think that is adorable-, and he steps back a little bit to place his arm around Danneel's waist. Jared had almost forgotten about her as he had been too caught up in finally seeing Jensen again. A feeling of envy surges through him, but he has to clamp down on the urge to push her away, and he smiles, albeit strained.

They have dinner and Jared falls a little bit in love with Danneel himself. She's smart and funny, and not like your average girl. She has a brilliant sense of humor and obviously cares about Jensen deeply. But Jared knows that he and Jensen just fit better, even if Danneel is pretty awesome. She'll find someone else, but Jared won't. After dinner and clean up, Danneel goes back home. Jensen, the ever romantic, hasn't asked her to move in yet, because that's for until after the marriage. Jared rolls his eyes at that because Jensen has slept with her, of course. It doesn't make much sense, but Jared has always known that the guy is kinda off in the head, in the best way possible. They sit in the living room and talk for a little while over a couple of beers.

Jensen tells Jared the story of how he met Danneel. She was recommended to him by a friend to be her agent, and she had done good work. Most of her authors were successes, she knew how to handle the market, and she knew what people liked to read. She had also read Jensen's first book and had enjoyed it, which apparently made it a lot easier to work with him, because she was just as anxious for a new book. She had helped him get over a huge writer's block in the book he was working on at the time. He finally finished and it went to the top of the best sellers list in no time, and he had taken her out to dinner to celebrate. One thing led to another, along with a lot of alcohol, and they fell into bed together. Neither of them could regret it the next morning and they started dating. Work and play were kept separate at all times, though, and Jensen quickly fell in love. She was hot and had a great personality that matched his; she was good at what she did, and she was amazing in bed.

Jared really hadn't wanted to hear that last part, but it was Jensen's story. And Jensen looked so happy, with his eyes bright and soft, and his lips curved into a smile. But Jared knew he was doing this for the right reasons, because he could make Jensen even happier.


Danneel wants to get to know him and, even though Jared wants to hang out with Jensen, Jensen encourages Jared to go and do things with Danneel, in order to get to know her better. Jared is not pouting, really. But he realizes that this is the perfect chance to feel her out and find out her secrets, because nobody is that perfect.

Danneel tells him about them meeting and why she likes Jensen - she doesn't mention that he's amazing in bed, luckily, and Jared is trying to ask questions that would make her falter or be nervous, but she's like an open book and answers all of his questions without any hint of uncertainty. Jared's seriously reconsidering his plan.

Jared learns some more about her and decides to implement his plan. He tells her to make Jensen's 'favorite' meal full of hot pepper. Jensen can't stand spicy foods, though, and his face when he eats that first bite is absolutely priceless. Jared almost busts his gut trying to keep the laughter inside. Danneel looks kind of confused, but Jensen keeps on eating the food, sweating and taking massive gulps of water.

"That was awesome, Dani," he says at the end of the meal, and Jared is a bit dumbfounded.

Danneel smiles wide and pecks his lips before going to the kitchen to clean up.

Jensen looks over at Jared and whispers conspiratorially, "I think I burned all my taste buds, man," and Jared can't help but laugh out loud at that, trying to think of a new plan.

He calls the florist and puts their arrangement on hold, telling her to tell people it's been cancelled by Jensen. Danneel happens to call the florist that day to check on the order and hears of the cancellation. She's outraged and quickly calls Jensen asking him what the hell he was thinking, cancelling the flowers just a few days before the wedding, and Jared can imagine Jensen getting pissed off as well. They fight, and Jared can only hear Danneel's end of the conversation, but he can imagine Jensen trying to calm her down, and she finally does, apologizing to Jensen because he would never do that. Jared is thrown - what can he do to make them break up, damn it?

He tries a couple of other things to no avail. Jared finally finds a way to give Danneel a bachelorette party and inviting this stripper there. She hadn't wanted a party in the first place, but it was ridiculously easy convincing Sophia, her Maid of Honor, that Danneel would want a party and a stripper. He also happens to mention to Jensen that they should hang out at the same club that night. Jared can't wait to see the fireworks explode. He's with Danneel and Sophia and, suddenly, the stripper comes by and starts dancing. Jared knows Danneel is really drunk and she is probably going to regret this later. But, even though she is drunk, she's still pretty reserved, which is good for her, but not so good for Jared. The guy is pretty much giving her a lap dance and she isn't touching him. Jared catches the guy’s eyes and tilts his head at her, and he nods and puts her hands all over him.

At just that moment Jensen catches them and his mouth is kind of open, and then he turns away abruptly to walk out. Danneel sees him and Jared sees her sobering up and running after Jensen, trying to explain. Hopefully that worked, and Jared can go and comfort Jensen. He puts down the little feeling burning in his stomach as indigestion, not guilt.


The next morning, Danneel asks to Jared to meet her at the Tim Horton's by Jensen's house, and she's already there when Jared finds the place. She's stirring her drink with her straw, looking kind of tired, and that makes Jared feel a little evil. He sits down across from her and she looks up, eyes a little red-rimmed, and Jared feels like shit.

"Hey, Danneel," he says.

"Hi, Jared," she says, voice tense.

"You wanted to see me?" he asks.

She nods. "Yeah. See, I finally figured out what's been going on. I didn't want to see it at first, I think, because you seem like a really nice guy. But it's pretty much been crystal clear since last night. I know you want Jensen."

Jared tries to interrupt and deny it, but she just continues talking.

"And that's fine. We talked for awhile, but we’ve gotten past last night. But he's with me now. You had your chance, and you can't do anything. He's mine and I love him, and you can try whatever you want, but I'm not letting him go that easily."

Jared is a bit taken aback, and just admires her even more now. He smiles at her.

"Fine. You're right. I do want him and I'm going to try my hardest to get him back. I did have my chance and I'm going to get a second one."

He puts his hand out for her to shake. "May the best man-"

"Person," she interrupts, and he lets out a little chuckle.

"Fine. Person, win."

They shake on it and Danneel finishes her drink as Jared walks out the door, trying to think of what to do now.

Jared decides that he has to bring in the big guns and calls up Mark.

"Hey, Mark! What's up man?"

"Not much, just working and stuff. How's the ‘getting Jensen back’ plan going?"

"Not so good. Actually… I need a favor."

He can feel Mark hesitating, but Mark is an awesome friend thankfully, "Yeah, Jared, what's up?"

"Can you come up here? I'm hoping you can act as my boyfriend to make Jensen jealous?"

There's a beat of silence. "Are you insane? If you haven't noticed, I'm STRAIGHT. I don't know how to be gay! You're gay, bi, whatever. Not me. Count me out. Sorry, Jared."

Jared begs and pleads and, finally, Mark agrees, though Jared has tons of chores to do and favors for Mark when he gets back to LA. Hopefully, it'll be worth it.

Mark comes to Vancouver the next day and Jared picks him up from the airport. There's some grumbling for him and lots of "You so owe me!" before they get in the car and drive to the restaurant where everyone is having lunch. They go in and Jared gives everyone a quick intro of Mark as his boyfriend. He gets a look from Jensen and Danneel, but they sit down quickly. Danneel’s family is crowded around them and Mark is on Jared’s right.

Jensen and Danneel look so happy that it makes Jared sick. Mark is telling all these fake stories about Jared and Jared is so going to get Mark back when he least expects it. But for right now, the spotlight is off of him and he can look at the sickening couple in peace. Then Danneel’s mom has to go and ask how Jared and Mark met. And Jared’s about to say they just met on the set of a movie and leave it at that, because it kind of is what happened. But Mark starts talking first.

“Actually, we met on the set of Jared’s second or third movie,” he says and Jared hopes he stops there but unfortunately he keeps talking. Jared just wants to stab him because he knows Mark, and he knows this story is going to be utter bullshit. And it’s going to embarrass him because Mark is clearly evil.

“I had never heard of who Jared Padalecki was, because I hadn’t seen the first movie he had directed. I was thinking it would be this geeky looking guy that was all work and no play. You know, like most directors. So, we’re at set at this meeting and my friend Dionne, who had worked with Jared before, was sitting next to me. I’m just talking to him, messing around, when in walks this tall Adonis, one of the hottest people I’ve seen. He was wearing this black shirt-”

Jensen stares at Jared from across the table and interrupts Mark’s tirade. Jared is sure he’s blushing, because what the hell is Mark thinking?

“You don’t wear black. You hate black, you say that it’s the absence of color,” Jensen remarks, but Mark just laughs. “He does, Jensen, sometimes he does wear black,” and Jared tries to argue, “Mark,” but Mark just looks at him and says, “You do,” and Jared has to agree, “I do.” Mark just continues on with the story, heedless of the pinching Jared is doing to his thigh.

“And I ask Dionne, ‘Who is that guy?’ And Dionne goes, ‘That’s your director.’ And I couldn’t believe it. This perfect specimen of man is going to be the director and, at that moment, I knew it was love.”

There’s sighing all around them, and all Jared wants to do is drop his head against the table and bang it a couple of times. But Mark keeps going.

“I asked Dionne if Jared could ever love me and Dionne looked at me and said…” There’s a pregnant pause, as if Mark is waiting for something, as if he’s making sure he has everyone’s attention. And Jared really wants to do something crazy like scream or something because all eyes are riveted to Mark, even Jensen’s. Danneel is looking at him, though, one eyebrow raised as if asking Is that the best you can do?, and Jared has to continue with the charade, so he glances up at Mark who seems satisfied with the attention.

“The moment I wake up.”

Laughs start ringing around them, “Before I put on my make up.” And Danneel’s mom actually joins in; “I say a little prayer for you.” Jared is dead. Surely only Hell is like this.

But the song continues, everyone joining in, even Danneel, who seems to be enamored with Mark while kind of laughing at Jared, and this is so not what he imagined when he asked Mark to come rescue him.

After the song debacle, they're about to leave when Mark hangs back a little, stopping Jared as well. Jared looks at him confusedly, "What's wrong?"

Mark looks at him; "You ready to go all the way now?" Jared's not really sure what Mark is talking about, but then he takes off the ring that he always wears and grabs Jared's hand. Jared's mouth opens in surprise and Mark just shakes his head, putting the ring on Jared's finger.

"Will you marry me, honey?" He asks laughing and bats his eyelashes. Jared smacks him on the shoulder, "You should have asked before putting the ring on. But of course I do, baby!" he simpers, and they walk out of the restaurant.

Jared has to run to Jensen's suit fitting, so Mark goes to hang out with Danneel for a while.

Jensen is standing there being measured by this old guy who looks like he's having a lot of fun measuring Jensen's inseam. Jensen looks a bit uncomfortable, but he cheers up as soon as he sees Jared.

"Hey, man! You made it. You seemed rather busy with Mark." Jared really hopes that is jealousy in Jensen's voice, and he casually puts his hand with the ring on the suit jacket and strokes as if he is getting rid of wrinkles. "Yeah, he had some stuff to ask me."

Jensen looks down and his eyes widen a little as he catches the ring. A flash of something passes through his eyes and Jared sincerely hopes it's what he wants it to be.

"Tryin' to steal my thunder, Jay?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at Jared.

Jared just laughs, "’Naw. I wouldn't do that, Jensen."

Jensen nods, "Yeah, I know."

Jared feels like something passed through them, though he's not quite sure what. Jensen continues to talk about Danneel and the wedding and random other crap like it's no big deal, and Jared realizes exactly what he has to do.


Meanwhile, on the opposite side of town, Mark and Danneel are getting Danneel's nails done, and Danneel starts asking questions that make Mark a bit uncomfortable.

"So when did you and Jared really meet?"

Mark just looks at her wondering what she's talking about and she just laughs.

"Oh, Jared didn't tell you? I know it's all an act, and that you aren't really with him."

Mark looks down at that, not wanting to meet her eyes for some reason. Danneel's voice has gone soft, though, "Why, Mark? Why would you want to break up a happy relationship?"

Mark looks up and does meet her eyes at that; there's only curiousness, no malice, and Mark doesn't hesitate to answer,

"I'm sorry, Danneel, but Jared's in love with Jensen, always has been. He can make Jensen really happy and he deserves this."

"What about me? I love him, too; I can make him happy, too. Don't I deserve happiness?"

Mark can't answer that, because, yeah, she does deserve to be happy, too.

Danneel laughs again, a little rough this time. "I just wish you were my best friend. Jared's really lucky, Mark, and you're pretty awesome for doing this."

Before Mark has time to answer -not that he can find a good answer-, Danneel continues on, "So how does this color look?" and they go on about the new conversation like the previous one didn't happen, even though Mark thinks about how Danneel must be feeling. But he knows, from the bottom of his heart, he has to be doing the right thing. He has to.


Jared is lying in bed, thinking over the past few days and how happy Jensen and Danneel have looked, and he's come to a realization. Jensen and Danneel look extremely happy, and Jared doesn't know if he can compete. He doesn’t know if he can get in the middle of that because someone’s heart is going to break. And if it means Jensen’s happiness, then that heart will be his.

He calls her on her cell phone.


"Jared? It's the middle of the night, what the hell are you calling me for?" She sounds tired, but not angry, and that just strengthens his resolve.

"You win. Jensen's yours. He's happy with you, Dani. I was just being selfish. Ya'll look amazing together. I wanted to wish you the best of luck and a happy future together. I won't be here in the morning."

Danneel is silent for a minute. "Thank you," she says softly, "But you don't have to go-"

Jared cuts her off, "Yeah, I really do. It was awesome meeting you. And… take care of him for me, okay?" His voice shakes a little, but it's not like anybody can see and it's not like she's going to tell anybody.

"Take care of yourself, Jared," she says in a hushed tone, "I loved meeting you, too. Thank you for taking care of him for so long."

Jared nods and then realizes she can't see him, "No problem. It's your turn now," and he hangs up before she can say anything else. He sends Jensen a quick text,

Hey, Jen. Sorry for ditching you like this but something came up on set. I'll talk to you soon. Congrats, man.

and then turns off his phone and starts packing. He knocks on Mark’s door when he's done and he's sent back to a week ago, with Mark all bleary and sleepy.

"Hey, I'm ready to go."

Mark doesn't ask any questions and for that Jared is thankful. "Five minutes."

Mark gets ready and they head off to bright Los Angeles, away from the cold, and the wind, and Jensen.


The night before the wedding, Jensen knocks on Danneel's door and she opens it with a laugh. "Jen, you're not supposed to see me before the wedding! Couldn’t resist huh?"

Jensen smiles at her, "I know, I just had to talk to you… before we go through with this. I wanted to start the rest of our lives by telling you everything, because I don’t want our marriage to be based on lies. No secrets, right?"

Danneel nods and looks a little worried before waving Jensen inside. They sit on her sofa and Jensen takes a deep breath before talking.

"Danneel, you have to know I love you. But before we actually do this, I have to tell you that I love Jared, too. I always have. He's been there for me through everything - I've grown up with him and fallen for him. You never forget the first love, right? It never really turned into more because he was still young and I didn't really want to push him. I wanted him to live his life with or without me. But he's always going to hold a piece of my heart, and I wanted to make sure that you were okay with that. He's in my life, our life, hopefully, and I wanted you to know. I'd never cheat on you, or tell him, or anything, but he's always going to be there and I needed you to know and be okay with that."

Jensen says all this looking down, unable to look into Danneel's eyes, and Danneel feels tears coming on. Jensen looks up at her when she inhales sharply to try to keep the tears at bay, and he reaches out to grab her and hold her while she's trying to process this. Jensen loves Jared, too?


It's the night of Jensen and Danneel's wedding and Jared and Mark are on their way to getting hammered. Jared couldn't bear to see Jensen actually getting married - it would just break his heart even more. He doesn't want to be a maudlin drunk, though, and he is very thankful that Mark is there, right by his side. He hears a knock at the door and staggers over to open it, expecting the Domino's guy. He opens the door wide with a huge grin and is met face to face with Jensen holding a pizza box.

"Jensen?" He says uncertainly, not sure if it's a drunken hallucination and he's imagining Jensen's face on random people now.

Jensen pushes Jared inside and puts the pizza box down on the table. "You idiot. How could you even think of giving me away without even telling me how you felt, fucker?" And then Jensen grabs him into a huge hug.

Jared hugs him back, arms coming around him, but he's a bit confused. How the hell could Jensen know? He catches sight of Danneel standing just inside the door, smiling at him. Realization dawns on him and he hugs Jensen a bit harder and mouths a Thank you and I'm sorry. She waves him off, though, and just nods at Jensen, who has his face in Jared's neck.

"Say it. Just once. Please?"

Jared could never resist Jensen asking him for anything. "I love you."

"Me, too. Idiot." And he leans back and kisses Jared. A soft press of lips. A quick swipe of tongue, asking for permission. Jared opens his mouth to let Jensen in, and Jensen licks his way inside. He feels all of 17 again, but this time he's going to be less of an idiot, because he has this forever. They finally lean back to breathe in some much needed oxygen, and Jared catches sight of Danneel hugging Mark, and who knows, maybe Danneel's going to have a happy ending after all.

challenge fic, type: schmoop, au, type: humor, wc: 5000-10000, rating: pg-13

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