Alcatraz Pic!Spam

Feb 27, 2012 23:39

Greetings from San Francisco!

trillingstar and I set out on a California road trip and drove up to San Francisco this past weekend. This morning, we visited Alcatraz Prison and roamed the grounds taking photos. We also investigated the cells in the main cell house and spent some time in The Hole (we are an unruly pair, it was inevitable).

Here's a few pics ( Read more... )

san francisco, pic!spam, trillingtroit, 5randompicsmeme, yymfmfthisiswhereitgetsweird..., via ljapp, peeps, yingyangcalisploshun, oz, photography

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Comments 4

suespur February 28 2012, 10:41:53 UTC
Did you do the self-guided audio tour of Alcatraz? Worth every penny.


colleendetroit February 29 2012, 00:21:39 UTC
It was included in the ticket price but we opted for a more laid-back stroll around the island, stopping for lots of pics. Most of the visitors were wearing the headsets, but they kinda looked like zombies since no one was talking and everyone had odd blank stares as they listened to the tour. @_@ I could hear some of it from the headsets, with the clanging of bars and prison sound effects.


michele659 March 7 2012, 07:23:08 UTC
Alcatraz looks like a truly creepy place. Did you get heavy vibes from it? I remember when I visited the Tower of London I was telling my friend "this place feels cursed" and when we took the tour the tour guide said, "This place has a curse on it." It was a weird feeling.
Did you visit Al Capone's cell? My Mother posed in it,smiling and wearing her sunglasses,lol.

I loved the Civil War Beecher and Keller. Of course Keller would have to pet the phallic canon. :)


colleendetroit March 7 2012, 18:47:26 UTC
The weird thing was I didn't get any vibes from Alcatraz at all! was very odd. I expected to feel *something* just from being an OZ fan. Although, its history isn't anything like Oz's (hehe), there was maybe 3 deaths total there (unlike Oz, as we know). ;P I think we did see Capone's cell, and I took my pic in the Hole.

That Civil War display was hilarious, had Beecher's pert nose and everything! ;)

eta: Conversely, trillingstar and I visited the Buddhist Columbarium that's here near me (it looks like a temple, is 3 levels and houses the ashes of people entombed there) and THAT place gave me the heebie-jeebies! I felt trapped and creeped out (no windows!), and when we went up to the 3rd floor thinking it would have a look-out but was all just more NO-WINDOWS, I had to get OUT of there. *shudders*


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